Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Turkey Day - Paleo Cranberry Sauce in 7 minutes

So I know that everyone doesn't love cranberry sauce...but it's actually really good for you when prepared right!  Cranberries are very high in vitamin C!  When the girls were babies, I used tom ale them cranberry applesauce all the was one of their favorites! This is pretty similar, you could even add some little chopped apples if you like!

What you need...
12 oz. cranberries, washed
the zest and juice of 2 oranges
2 tablespoons honey

Add all ingredients to a small pot, turn to medium heat.  Cook for 5 minutes or until they begin to pop and simmer, continue stirring until they look congealed.  Turn off the heat and add to a glass bowl.  Cover and refrigerate until cold. Serve room temperature. Yes, that is ALL!  

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