Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Creamy Chicken & Broccoli "Pasta"

Everyone has made the old school casserole or green bean salad with the cream of mushroom soup...you know...the super easy yummy creamy one packed full of crazy sodium and processed crap.  Way to ruin some awesome healthy ingredients right?  Well this version is just as good without all the bad stuff!  The hint of almond is amazing against the chicken, broccoli and mushrooms!  A new favorite for me and soooo much good for you food!

What you need...
2 chicken breasts, grilled and chopped into cubes
1 pint of cremini mushrooms, washed and sliced
1 lb. fresh broccoli, washed
1/2 cup macadamia nuts
1/4 cup almonds
2 cloves of garlic
1/4 sweet onion
1/4 cup fresh parsley
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
2 tablespoons almond milk
1/2 cup coconut milk
1 spaghetti squash, cooked

First, I always get my spaghetti squash going.  So pierce about 10 holes in it with a knife and place it in a microwave safe dish.  This one was really big and I microwaved 7 minutes, 1/2 turn 6 minutes, 1/2 turn, 4 minutes and it was done.  Cut it in half, scoop out the seeds then use a fork to scrape out the squash.

Place broccoli into a microwave safe container, add 1/2 cup water, cover and microwave until gently softened and bright green, 4 minutes. Drain.

Place macadamia nuts, almonds, garlic, parsley, salt, pepper, 1 handful (1/2 cup) steamed warm broccoli, almond milk into a food processor and blend until smooth.

Add onion, mushroom and 1 tablespoon coconut oil or olive oil to a sautΓ© pan and turn to medium/high heat.  Cook veggies until they begin to soften, about 3 minutes then add chicken.  Cook until warmed though, about 2 minutes, then add "noodles," broccoli and nut mixture.  Cook while stirring well to combine.  Once everything is coated, pour in the coconut milk and continue to toss until everything is coated in the sauce.  Serve!
Easy being Green!

What you need...

Pierce the squash and microwave.

Slice in half and scoop out the seeds.

Steam broccoli for 4 minutes.

Macadamia nuts, parsley, almonds, garlic, salt, pepper, broccoli and almond milk.

Saute onion and mushrooms until they begin to soften.

Add chicken.

Add broccoli, squash and nut mixture and toss to combine.

Add coconut milk and continue cooking and stirring until all coated!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Shrimp w/ Macadamia Cream Sauce over Zucchini Noodles

You will not believe that there isn't a bit of dairy of this fabulous dish!  It's one of our favorites!  We don't have it too often because of the expense of the Macadamia nuts, but they are so good for you and paired with shrimp, zucchini and a little spice they pack a super healthy punch!

What you need...Serves 2
1.5 lb. shrimp, peeled & deveined
1/3 cup macadamia nuts
the juice of 1 lime
small handful of fresh parsley
1 garlic clove
1 shallot, peeled & quartered
2 tsp. ghee, or butter
3-4 zucchini, washed and spiralized
1/2 cup coconut milk, make sure you get a fairly even distribution of fat to milk
cayenne pepper

Start out by placing macadamia nuts, parsley, garlic, lime, shallot into a food processor and blend until very creamy.   Add the ghee to a sautΓ© pan and begin to melt on medium heat.  Add the shrimp and cook them for about 1 minute.  Add in the nut mixture and sprinkle of cayenne (optional) and toss to coat the shrimp, then add in the zucchini, and cook about 2 minutes.  As the shrimp begin to turn mostly pink, add in the coconut milk and continuing stirring to cook through.  Allow to cook for about 1 minute until everything is completely coated in the creamy sauce and shrimp are cooked through, serve!

Oh my goodness....so deelish!

1/3 cup macadamia nuts, 1 shallot, 1 clove garlic, the juice of 1 lime or lemon, small handful of parsley, blend.

This is all you need!  This meal took me 10 minutes, start to finish!

Begin to cook shrimp in ghee.

Add nut mixture and cayenne pepper.

Add zucchini noodles, toss.

Finally add in the coconut milk and stir to combine well.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Sausage, Sweet Potato, Chard Hash

So, we like this for a make ahead hearty breakfast!  But....it's GREAT for anything really!  I love it post workout because of the sweet potatoes!  It is quick and easy to make a huge batch and definitely lasts for a few days!

What you need...
1 lb. country sausage or Nitrate free chicken sausage removed from casing
2 sweet potatoes, peeled and chopped into cubes
1/2 onion, diced
1 red bell pepper, diced
~10 oz + of spinach, chard, baby kale (any hearty green is fine)

On high heat, cook the sausage through in a sautΓ© pan, breaking it up with a wooden spoon.  Continue to cook and break apart until cooked through.  Scoop sausage out and allow to drain on a plate with paper towels.  Pour off the fat.  I leave just a slight coating and add about 1 tablespoon of olive oil to the pan, then add peppers, onion and sweet potato, and cook on medium heat for about 3 minutes.  Toss and stir, then allow to cook for about 3 more minutes.  Toss, stir and add greens...stir to combine, then cover and allow to cook for about 3 minutes.  The moisture from the green will steam the potatoes.  Uncover and continue to cook until the potatoes are soft and the greens are wilted!

What you need!  I had some leftover red onion and shallot, so I used it!

Fry the sausage, breaking it up, until cooked through. Drain on a paper towel.

Saute onion, potato, pepper on medium heat for 3 mins. tun add green and turn to combine. Cover and all ow to cook while tossing ever couple minutes. 
Cook until greens and wilted and potatoes are soft!

(Raw) Green Bean Salad (vegetarian)

Recently I had a trainer tell me that you should try to eat 1 lb. of raw veggies and 1 lb. of cooked veggies EVERYDAY!  That sound like a lot right?  It really isn't as much as you think!  We almost always weigh our protein portions, because it is SO easy to overdo it when you simply eyeball.   I mean scramble up 2 eggs and see what that looks like!  But personally I don't think you can overdo it on veggies, as long as they include a lot of good greens and lots of color!   This is a fabulous way to get in a ton of raw veggies in the form of something other than juice or traditional salad!  My hubs loves to take this for lunch, especially on hot days in the Summer when he wants something light but filling!  This recipe is awesome when you replace the green beans with raw broccoli as well!  For real, try this, it will surprise you!

What you need...
2 lbs. french green beans, washed & chopped into 1" pieces
1 pint of grape tomatoes, washed & halved
1/3 cup feta cheese
1/4 cup olive oil
the juice of 1 lemon
3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon dijon mustard
1/4 tsp salt
1/8 tsp pepper
1/2 or more red pepper flakes

Add the green beans, tomatoes and feta to a large container.  In a small jar mix all remaining ingredients and shake until well combined!  Pour over green bean mixture, cover and shake until well combined! Yep, that's it!  It is it's best after a few hours of hanging out in the fridge!

Pumpkin Almond Butter

Yep, I am out of my gourd, crazy for pumpkin! heehee....Fall has me reeling...I am LOVING the crispy, crunchy temps and the slight chill to the air, and all the pumpkin everywhere!!!!  I the time of the year when pumpkin stays on sale all the time...so I stock up, and what do you get?  Tons of Pumpkin recipes!  So this week, the kids (and maybe me) will be snacking on Fuji Apple dipped in Pumpkin Almond Butter!  So yummy and Fall Festive!

1/2 cup pumpkin puree
1/2 cup almond butter
1 tablespoon raw honey
1/2 tsp cinnamon

Use a large bowl so you have plenty of room to stir.  Place all ingredients in and stir until combined well!
Place all ingredients into the bowl of a mixer and whip with whisk attachment until it begins to get a little fluffy, about 2 mins. on high! SOOOOOOO good!!!

The Menu October 26 - November 1

Sausage, Sweet Potato, Spinach Hash

Supergeen Blend, Turmeric, Beet, Grapefruit, Blueberry Smoothie as alternative for me

Greek Yogurt w/ Granola, berries, cantaloupe, banana, sausage, egg & cheese scramble (made ahead), & Pumpkin Spiced Waffles (made ahead and toasted)

Adults: THE Lunch Salad
  • Proteins - Tuna salad, baked ham, turkey/cheese roll ups, boiled eggs
  • Fruits - grapes, apples w/ almond butter, applesauce, apple chips, clementines
  • Veggie - olives, pickles, carrots, broccoli (greek yogurt dip)
  • Treats - Halloween yogurt pretzels, trail mix, Halloween popcorn
Afternoon Snack - kids

Frozen Kefir / fruit smoothie - trying to kick up their probiotics
  • Banana & Strawberry Milkshakes w/ Almond Milk & Kefir
  • Halloween Popcorn & Trail Mix, Graham crackers & Apples w/ Pumpkin Almond Butter

  • Pumpkin Bechamel w/ Sausage over Spaghetti Squash topped w/ Goat Cheese and Pecans
  • Slow-Cooker Orange Chicken w/ Gently Steamed Broccoli
  • Lemon Herb Chicken Thighs w/ Oven Roasted Veggies
  • Thai Chicken Salad w/ Almond Ginger Dressing
  • Spaghetti Squash Lasagna Bowls w/ Sundried Tomatoes (Vegetarian)
  • Creamy Macadamia Shrimp over Zucchini Noodles (Pescatarian)

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Gluten Free Pumpkin Spiced Waffles w/ Maple Syrup and Crystallized Ginger Sprinkles

So, this morning my eyes popped open at 4:25am...annoying, so very annoying...especially since it's a Saturday.  But, after lying there for a few minutes, my mind racing about everything I needed to get done this morning, I begrudingly just got up and started the coffee.  While I was waiting for it to brew, I sat down to check emails, etc. and discovered that one of my oldest and dearest friends was online and available to chat.

She is far, far away, 3000 miles far, living in Switzerland.  I don't get to catch up with her often and as I talked with her I realized that my oldest memories of a friend, were with her, playing dress up and going on "bear hunts" through the woods that took us from my house to hers.  We caught up on family and the events of the last few months, new life and life changes.  The comfort and familiarity of talking with someone who knows you, and has known you for practically your whole entire life, all the way through the many phases that life and growth takes you, was the most awesome way to start my day!  It made me feel warm and jumpstarted me!

The feeling of comfort she sent from so far away sent me to the kitchen to cook up a breakfast that would give my kiddos the same warm and comfy feeling on this crispy October morning...Gluten- Free Pumpkin Spiced Waffles w/ Maple Syrup and Crystallized Ginger Sprinkles.  It's truly amazing what good friendships can do to feed the soul....and Pumpkin Waffles too!

What you need...
2 cups King Arthur Flour Gluten Free
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup organic pumpkin (not spiced)
2 tablespoons coconut oil
3 eggs or egg white equivalent
2 tablespoons raw honey
1 cup almond/coconut milk blend (you can use either/or)
dash of salt

Preheat a waffle iron.  Mix to combine the first 3 ingredients.  In a separate bowl, mix the remaining ingredients together.  Once those are well combined, add them to the dry mixture and stir well to combine.  The consistency should be similar to regular pancakes/waffles.  Allow to sit for a c couple minutes so that the flour can absorb the wet ingredients well.  Once the waffle iron is HOT, spray with cooking spray and pour on the batter.  Allow waffle to cook until gently browned and set.  This should make 4 regular waffles.  Serve with maple syrup and crystallized ginger!

What you need!

The batter should be the regular consistency of waffle batter.

Pour it on and press!

Warm Waffles with Maple Syrup and Crystallized Ginger Crumbles!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

When you reach the end of your rope....a 2 minute way to help you climb back up!

I read an post on Facebook yesterday about anxiety attacks and depression and how they are not a sign of weakness, but a sign of someone who has held strong for as long as they could.  As a Mother, I can definitely relate to that and it really resonated with me.  There are days where I am proud of my patience and ability to hold it all together, and I go to bed feeling like a successful wife and Mother.
But, with all that Moms are trying to balance and the pressures we put on ourselves, as well as the unpredictability of children - be it 1, 2, 3, or more, there are MANY days where it feels like it's all falling apart, like I am a failure and am continuously praying for the strength, faith and patience to get me though the end of the day.

At times over the last 6 years of Motherhood, I have definitely had bouts with anxiety and the struggles of getting it all done, giving them the best, being involved, giving all I can, always having to be in constant movement, thinking on my feet and simply being in the trenches with 4 lively personalities ALL the time.  It can really push you, trying to find the ability to reason with a child or children mid-meltdown, over meltdown, over melt-down, lol....can anyone realate?

Every single Mom, no matter how patient, loving, dedicated....loses their composure and drive every now and again.  There are several things we all do to cope with that, some healthy, some not, pray and meditation work, exercise and fresh air are good, wine is GREAT, but 2 things that I have found to be quick tools to calm myself, bring me back to Home Base and keep from losing it throughout the day are: Reading & Writing.  Sounds funny right?  It only take a couple of minutes, but it truly works for me, try it and see.  It's not a cure all...I certainly do NOT claim to have one of those, but if it gets you though the day with just a tiny bit more patience...it's working, right?
(Note: I am NOT an expert on ANYTHING, just a normal Mom trying to get by, these are simply things that I have found that work for me)

If the kids are home and you can't just walk out the door and run until you are ready to come back, sit down in a snuggly chair and read your child a book.  When you are losing your mind and about to yell, regret your words or your volume, if you can find the composure and energy to pick a book (just a typical short kid book) and start reading, it will help!  I find that by the end of a short children's book, with a little person snuggled in your lap, the mindlessness of reading simple, easy words is calming and you are able to come back to life with a little gained patience, enough at least.  As you read those pages, they gently snuggle closer to you, reminding you that they are just little people relying on you to guide them and set them up for success.  At first you might be barely grasping them with terrible body language, almost wanting to pitch them to the ground, but as you read realize that they are without the experiences or understanding of a reasonable adult and you cannot expect for them to be that!  Yep, they might have just decorated your custom ordered yellow footboard with a lovely combination of black and blue crayon, and you WANT desperately to say "what in the hell were you thinking" and of course punishment DOES happen, but sometimes, calming yourself first, is the very best choice.  Especially because MOST of the time, their acts are only attention and reaction seeking.   I find that the lessons learned are much more effective when your aren't losing it while trying to teach them and they aren't crying or screaming to try to tune your words out.  Post book, they will go to time out, or they might go to time out and then I read a book to another child, while they are there.  But, discussing the offense usually works better when I can talk calmly and reasonably, without traces of resentment for the ridiculousness of what they might have done.  

If you are overwhelmed and you feel like you are about to have a toddler meltdown yourself, stop, and write about your child.  I find that just a few lines is enough to reset myself and help me to remember what it's all about, what's really important.  I keep 4 little journals in my bedside table, each inscribed with a different child's name.  I write my thoughts and feelings about each of them, their personalities and development, the kind things they do and quirks that will be interesting to them one day.  I write in them when I find the time, which isn't often enough for sure, but when the chips are falling I grab them.  I sit down and write 1 little page about each one and something special that I see in them, I tell them something funny they have done lately or a memorable moment I have had with them, sometimes even why they make me feel special and why they motivate me to be better.  Channeling these precious moments and positive thoughts really does calm me and prompt me of the blessings that keep me going through the tough moments.  It helps to remind me that even if they are late to school, with disheveled hair and mismatched clothes, or if I find a night that the best I can do is order a pizza, it's okay because there are more excellent things about our days than there are bad ones.  And I am NOT a failure, that the expectations we put on ourselves prove that we love our families like crazy....but it always helps to be reigned in and given a break even now and then.

White Vinegar & Lemon

I have been working on my Keeping a Clean Home post for over a week now, and little tid-bits keep coming up in my work that are holding my up...like little tips and tricks.  So, I am adding this quick post as a Tid-Bit to that!  Hope it's useful to someone!

VINEGAR!!!!!  I love vinegar...yep, I actually crave it in foods...all types of it...put Balsamic & Apple Cider vinegar in everything (to eat)....go through it with rapid pace, and use it around the house for a million purposes.  Weed killer, ant deterrent, skin toner, natural sanitizer, meat marinade, stain remover, drain freshener, detoxing/ stress relieving bath soak, sink scrub, anti mold rinse for fruits and veggies...see I told you!!!

Lemons are another item that we use and consume in bulk.  They are great for neutralized smells and and adding a nice light clean scent to your home, but also have tons of properties for good health.   Their acids help with gut health and blood purifying, they can be a digestive aid, reduce kidney stones, are known for calming the body and lowering body temperature.  They are a natural antioxidant that can help in the treatment of arthritis and can be used as a natural antiseptic.  Because of their antiseptic and acidic properties they assist in teeth whitening; however, too much acid on your teeth can cause enamel erosion, so don't forget to brush.  But this is all just a taste of the magic in lemons, not to mention all the wonderful uses in cooking!

Every morning I squeeze half a lemon in my Green Tea, and will also add it to Warm Ginger Water, which I drink regularly as well.  So what do I do with all the rinds????  Keep reading, they don't go to waste!

I buy white vinegar buy the 2 gallon jug at Costco.  I keep 2 spray bottles in the kitchen with vinegar mixtures in them.  One, diluted white vinegar and water, about 2 to 1 vinegar to water.  This one I use on the windows, mirrors and floors mostly.  I spray it on the floors before mopping and carry it around when I mop the house, hitting any scuff marks!

The other is a lemon vinegar mixture that I use for disinfecting, cleaning the kitchen, countertops, dinner table, everything!  I keep an old 16 oz., clean jar in the kitchen, filled halfway with white vinegar, each time I use a lemon I toss the rind into that jar to sit in the vinegar.  At the end of the week, I strain the rinds and pulp off and pour the infused vinegar into my Lemon/Vinegar Spray bottle!  I dump out the rinds, except for 1-2 I toss down the disposal and use to clean and disinfect that!  I use this mixture as my regular household cleaner.  Kitchen, countertops, microwave, pretty much everything!  It's a nice lemon scent, not dangerous chemicals, safe on the dog, and WAY cheaper than the many alternatives!

When life gives you lemons.....:)

The Menu - October 19 - 26

Sausage, Sweet Potato, Spinach Hash

Supergeen Blend, Turmeric, Beet, Blueberry Smoothie as alternative for me

Greek Yogurt w/ Granola, berries, cantaloupe, banana, sausage, egg & cheese scramble (made ahead), & Paleo Pumpkin Bars 

Adults: THE Lunch Salad
  • Proteins - Tuna sandwiches, turkey/cheese roll ups, boiled eggs
  • Fruits - grapes, apples w/ almond butter, veggie mash-ups, clementines
  • Veggie - olives, pickles, carrots, broccoli (greek yogurt dip), green bean chips, veggie chips
  • Treats - yogurt pretzels, trail mix, yogurt raisins, pumpkin cookies
Afternoon Snack - kids

Frozen Kefir / fruit smoothie - trying to kick up their probiotics as we move into Fall!
  • Banana & Strawberry Milkshakes w/ Almond Milk & Kefir
  • Gluten Free Pumpkin Cookies
  • Coconut Milk Pumpkin Ice Cream

  • Turkey Meatloaf with Green Peas & Roasted Butternut Squash
  • Eggplant Pizzas 
  • Ground Turkey Fajitas w/ Pico & Guacamole 
  • Spaghetti Squash w/ Meat Sauce
  • Spaghetti Squash Lasagna Bowls
  • Creamy Macadamia Shrimp over Zucchini Noodles

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


If you like the ease and crowd pleasing of the sliders, you will love this one too!  Grab all your favorite pizza toppings and it's just as simple!

1.50 lbs. 93/7 ground beef
pizza sauce
1 cup shredded pizza cheese

Preheat your oven to 400F.  Press the meat down into a non-stick 9x13 baking dish.  Bake for 25 minutes.  Drain the fat from the pan. Allow the meat to cool for a bit, transfer to a baking sheet.  Spread pizza sauce on top of the meat.  Sprinkle cheese on top of the sauce and add all your favorite toppings.  Bake at 400F for 15 minutes. Serve in slices!

Press meat into ungreased non-stick 9x13 pan.

Bake at 400 for 25 minutes. Then drain fat.

Transfer to a baking sheet.
Top with pizza sauce.

Add cheese and toppings, broil for about 5 minutes until cheese is melted and toppings are toasted!

So yum!

Eggplant Pizza - Vegetarian

I LOVE this dish!  It is a snuggly, warm homey meal with a twist.  I love anything hot and covered in delicious marinara on cool nights or when you need a comfort food fix!  This is fun for the kids, a great pizza alternative and also makes a great side dish!  If you just use store bought marinara & pesto, and a few of your favorite toppings, it only take a little effort, hardly anytime and has great payoff!  Just check the labels for sugar or anything else you can't pronounce!  And, let me tell you - my Carnivorous husband LOVES this meal, of course he adds pepperoni....but just saying!

1 eggplant, sliced lengthwise in 1" slices
pizza sauce or pesto
pizza cheese (I use mozzarella)
toppings: (whatever you like)
Roma tomato
kalamata olives
artichoke hearts

Slice your eggplant up and lay the slices out on a paper towel.  Sprinkle with salt and allow to sit for about 15 minutes.  (If you are wanting this as a side dish, slice into circles instead of lengths.)  Flip and repeat.  Heat grill to high, burn off, turn down to medium and spray grill with cooking spray.  Grill eggplant for about 2 minutes per side, long enough to get grill marks.  Remove and cool.  If you can't grill them, broil them in the oven turning after only a minute or 2, just barely drying out the meat.  Place them on a baking sheet, spread pizza sauce or marina and top with cheese.  Preheat oven to Broil.  Broil eggplant until cheese is melted and toppings are toasted, about 5 minutes.  But watch over them, broil can burn them up FAST!!!!

*Check-out my Eggplant Stacks for another great Eggplant option! See below!*

Oh yeah!!!!!

What you need!

Slice eggplant lengthwise into 1" thick slices.

Grill eggplant on medium/high heat for 2 min. per side.

Allow to cool and arrange on a baking sheet.

Top with pizza sauce or pesto.

Top with pizza sauce or pesto, the pesto is REALLY good.

Add cheese and your favorite toppings.

Broil and enjoy!

If you're looking for another YUMMY EASY Eggplant dish try these Eggplant Stacks!