Saturday, September 27, 2014

THE Lunch Salad

This is not just your run of the mill salad...I know, salads are tired, I NEVER get tired of our salads!  You give yourself the ability to easily change it up all the time and there are sooooo many options!  When you go ahead and prep a huge variety of toppings on Sunday, you get a salad bar all week, it's fantastic!

I have a standard set of things that I do each week, but switch it up according to season and sale, and anytime I need a little change!  It makes you feel good to get this many yummy, raw veggies in each day!

Every single Sunday I prep this:
1 bag of radishes
1 seedless cucumber
1 pint of cherry tomatoes
1 can of garbanzo beans - rinse & drain
1 dozen hard boiled eggs
4 grilled chicken breasts - marinaded & grilled
4-6 roasted beets (they have organic roasted beets at Costco now already done)
slivered almonds (I purchase these already sliced in a huge bag from Costco)
zante currants
2 bag broccoli slaw (sold prepared in produce)
1 bag broccoli florets
2 large container of mixed greens
a handful or kalamata olives - sliced
~10 pepperoncini peppers
1 can artichoke hearts quartered
fresh basil
This is my everyday salad!  I fix my lunch salad just like this one almost every single day!

I wash, dry, line up all my toppings in a couple of these large containers, then lay a folder paper towel over them, inside the container to absorb moisture.  I change the towel daily, but the toppings stay fresh for the week.

My 3 favorites combos are:

  • Standard - leafy greens, broccoli slaw, broccoli cuts, radish, tomato, cucumber, garbanzo bean, currants, slivered almond, beet, grilled chicken with ranch.
  • Summer - balsamic chicken, strawberry, slivered almond and feta - over spinach and leafy greens w/ balsamic dressing
  • Greek - romaine, broccoli slaw, tomato, artichoke heart, kalamata olive, pepperoncini w/ creamy caesar

  • I make a lot of my own dressings, which is super easy, fresh, and way better for you.  I save my dijon mustard jars and use those to mix and store dressings but you can use anything.  We just use a ton of dijon, and they are a great size!
  • I make my own balsamic dressing, always.  You can easily control the strength and amount of fat in it this way!  A little goes a long way if you make it good and strong.  All it is: balsamic vinegar, apple cider vinegar, dijon mustard, honey (optional), evoo, so really there's no excuse not too.
  • I admit, I buy my ranch dressing most of the time.  I use Simply Ranch by Marzetti, in the produce section; however, I cut it with water almost 2/1.  
  • I buy their Creamy Caesar a lot too, and cut it with fresh squeezed lemon juice or wine vinegar, red or white, depending on what I have on hand.
  • Recipes coming!
On Sunday afternoon, I make up 4 Lunch Salads, 2 for me, 2 for my husband to take to work.  I send him with a container of dressing as well.  On Tuesday afternoon, I make up 4 more salads to get us through Thursday.  Then Friday I usually send whatever leftovers are in the fridge from the week with my hubs for lunch. I use up all the leftover salad stuff to make 1 combo salad so that I can stat fresh again that weekend!  It certainly helps save $ by always having lunch at the ready for both adults, plus when you only have a couple of hours each day to keep the house clean, run the errands, do the laundry, exercise, etc. having a healthy lunch ready to rock is SO helpful in making the most of your time!

  • Vegetables
    • radishes
    • broccoli
    • sugar snaps
    • carrots
    • sprouts
    • tomato
    • garbanzo beans
    • cucumbers
    • artichoke hearts
    • bell peppers
    • mushrooms
    • roasted beets
    • black beans
    • roasted red peppers
  • Fruits
    • zante currants - I use these a ton because they don't have added sugar, give a sweet addition and without adding many carbs
    • pineapple
    • apple
    • strawberries
    • cherries
  • Fats
    • kalamata olives
    • slivered almonds
    • avocado
    • dressing
    • pecans
    • walnuts
    • macadamia nuts
  • Protein
    • hard boiled egg
    • turkey breast
    • grilled chicken
    • steak
    • ham
    • bacon - we use Applegate Good Morning bacon - it's made with pork shoulder/uncured and is 60% less fat than regular bacon - still tastes like bacon!
    • fish
    • shrimp

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