Tuesday, October 21, 2014

White Vinegar & Lemon

I have been working on my Keeping a Clean Home post for over a week now, and little tid-bits keep coming up in my work that are holding my up...like little tips and tricks.  So, I am adding this quick post as a Tid-Bit to that!  Hope it's useful to someone!

VINEGAR!!!!!  I love vinegar...yep, I actually crave it in foods...all types of it...put Balsamic & Apple Cider vinegar in everything (to eat)....go through it with rapid pace, and use it around the house for a million purposes.  Weed killer, ant deterrent, skin toner, natural sanitizer, meat marinade, stain remover, drain freshener, detoxing/ stress relieving bath soak, sink scrub, anti mold rinse for fruits and veggies...see I told you!!!

Lemons are another item that we use and consume in bulk.  They are great for neutralized smells and and adding a nice light clean scent to your home, but also have tons of properties for good health.   Their acids help with gut health and blood purifying, they can be a digestive aid, reduce kidney stones, are known for calming the body and lowering body temperature.  They are a natural antioxidant that can help in the treatment of arthritis and can be used as a natural antiseptic.  Because of their antiseptic and acidic properties they assist in teeth whitening; however, too much acid on your teeth can cause enamel erosion, so don't forget to brush.  But this is all just a taste of the magic in lemons, not to mention all the wonderful uses in cooking!

Every morning I squeeze half a lemon in my Green Tea, and will also add it to Warm Ginger Water, which I drink regularly as well.  So what do I do with all the rinds????  Keep reading, they don't go to waste!

I buy white vinegar buy the 2 gallon jug at Costco.  I keep 2 spray bottles in the kitchen with vinegar mixtures in them.  One, diluted white vinegar and water, about 2 to 1 vinegar to water.  This one I use on the windows, mirrors and floors mostly.  I spray it on the floors before mopping and carry it around when I mop the house, hitting any scuff marks!

The other is a lemon vinegar mixture that I use for disinfecting, cleaning the kitchen, countertops, dinner table, everything!  I keep an old 16 oz., clean jar in the kitchen, filled halfway with white vinegar, each time I use a lemon I toss the rind into that jar to sit in the vinegar.  At the end of the week, I strain the rinds and pulp off and pour the infused vinegar into my Lemon/Vinegar Spray bottle!  I dump out the rinds, except for 1-2 I toss down the disposal and use to clean and disinfect that!  I use this mixture as my regular household cleaner.  Kitchen, countertops, microwave, pretty much everything!  It's a nice lemon scent, not dangerous chemicals, safe on the dog, and WAY cheaper than the many alternatives!

When life gives you lemons.....:)

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