Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Vegetable Beef Stew or Beetle Bug Stew to our kids!

When our son was little, like 1....and I was pregnant with the trifecta, one of the only ways I could get down a lot of veggies was in vegetable beef stew.  It was also a great way to get him to eat a variety of veggies.  I would tell him that it was actually beetle bug stew, and I would point out things in each spoonful, telling him that they were all kinds of craziness....ladybug wings, grasshopper heads, butterfly wings and beetle bugs of course!  Okay, so yes, it sounds kind of gross....but for my bug loving adventurous worked!  Still he tells the same tales to his sisters!

This "dump it all in and wait" soup, is simple and delicious, perfect to keep around in the Winter, and freezes beautifully!  I like to keep a container of it in the freezer for anytime a cold pops up, or you need to deliver a warm soup to someone in need!

Yesterday I knew that we had a dinner party to attend, and the grandparents were coming to put the kids to bed for us...they have had colds, so I thought this would be the perfect thing to toss together in the morning for an effortless dinner!  I had some leftover tenderloin scraps and a bit of grass fed stew meat too...made for a lovely combo!

What you need...
2 lbs. stew beef or beef scraps, cut into smalls cubes
1/2 onion, chopped
1 cups carrots, chopped
1 cup green beans, chopped
1 can fire roasted tomatoes
1 32 oz. beef broth
1 tsp. black pepper
1 1/2 tsp sea salt
1 12 oz. package organic Corn
1 12 oz. package organic Green Peas
1 can organic Northern Beans
1 can organic Dark Red Kidney Beans
1 can organic Black Beans

There are 2 ways to do this...both are equally simple.  Because I had loaned my crockpot out, I used a stockpot this go round!

So, I added a little olive oil to the pot, turned it up to high heat, tossed in all the meat and cooked to for 2 minutes, tossing it, to get it browned up a bit.  Then added everything right to that pot.  Bring it to a boil, then reduce to low and allow to simmer for about 4 hours.  Serve.

If you are using a crock pot, I would use a sautΓ© pan and brown the meat just slightly before adding it to the crockpot.  This will help to keep it nice and tender!  But again, just dump all that goodness in and turn to low heat for 4-6 hours.  Serve.

What you need...

Chop fresh veggies...

SautΓ© beef for 2 minutes in olive oil

As meat begins to brown, add veggies...


keep adding all the goodness...bring to a boil, reduce to simmer...

simmer for 4-6 hours...

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