Friday, June 17, 2016

Seek the Sun in What Makes you Thrive

I am an early riser for a lot of reasons, mostly because it's the only quiet time I get all day! But one of my daily rituals, that I love the most, is watching the first beams of sun fight through the trees to reach the ground. Just how they light the world, as they find the earth in tiny rays.
Our backyard is very thick, a sea of pine trees, then right in the middle there is this one beautiful, outstretched, reaching anchor. It's limbs are all twisted and knobby searching for the light to help it grow. 
When you wait and watch as the sun rises, you notice that exactly where those first rays pop through the pine trees is where the limbs of this beautiful tree tend to curve and turn. It has chosen it's own path in order to soak up the rays that the pines can't block out from it. It is different and unique because of that. It will not be blocked out; it's beauty thrives because it has found a way to endure amidst it's adversity. 

☀️You Will Never Influence the World Trying to be Like it!
☀️Be Younique
☀️Be a Light and a Force!
☀️Seek the Sun in what makes you THRIVE! 

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