Monday, September 29, 2014

Maple Bacon Brussels Sprouts

Don't be shocked when you want to have these every night!  Years ago I fixed these for my 2 nieces who were about 10 years old then, and it's been a favorite of their ever since!  A great way to get kids to eat them, but mine LOVE to pulse them in the food processor too and getting them involved makes them want to try anything they helped with!  The touch of maple syrup takes the "bite" out of brussels sprouts...and seriously, doesn't bacon make everything better?

Maple Bacon Brussels Sprouts
2 lbs. brussels sprouts
1/2 lb. bacon
1 tablespoon real maple syrup

Wash the brussels sprouts and chop off the bottoms, some of the outer leaves will come off, which is exactly what you want.  Pop them into a food processor and pulse about 5 times.  They should be shredded but still chunky.  Mine got a little more shredded than I like. :/  Set aside.

Cook the bacon on medium/high heat until it begins to brown, then turn it down to medium and keep turning until it is cooked through.  Remove to drain on a paper towel.  This type of bacon will not yield much fat, but if you use something else, you will want to drain some of the fat off, leaving only enough to nicely coat the pan!  Add the brussels sprouts into the bacon fat and toss while cooking on medium heat.  As they begin to lighten up, add the maple syrup and continue stirring for about 3-4 minutes.  Crumble the bacon and add that to the brussels sprouts. Stir to combine and serve!

This bacon is awesome and totally worth trying!  It's pork shoulder and tastes  GREAT!  60% less fat , uncured, no nitrates and tastes better than any alternative I have ever had! TRY THIS! I found it at HT and am hooked!

Cook brussels sprouts in a saute pan on medium heat until they begin to lighten in color, then add maple syrup.  The syrup neutralizes the bite in the brussels sprouts and makes them super delish!

Crumble bacon and stir to combine!

One of my top favorites, I could eat a whole bowl!

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