Friday, February 13, 2015

Quick Pizza Rollups

So I got home from out of town and needed a quickie idea for the kids for dinner!  This is a super fast "piece" meal that you can easily stuff with a few veggies and have ready in minutes with VERY little effort!  It's funny how kids LOVE anything that is in pieces and anything that is dip-able...well this is both!  And Moms love fast easy you go...

*You can easily layer a bit of spinach between the cheese and the pepperoni and it will go virtually unnoticed!!!  Our kids love them with pepperoni, olives, mushrooms and artichoke hearts!

What you need...
Gluten Free or other Tortillas
Cheese - shredded or sliced (I like the slices, they are just less messy)
Marinara or Pizza sauce (HT Organics Tomato Basil is our favorite and doesn't have sugar)
Pizza Toppings
artichoke hearts
fresh basil
fresh parsley
fresh oregano

*For the mushrooms, spinach, peppers, onions, garlic... I like to gently sautรฉ ahead in just a bit of olive oil, a minute or 2...just long enough to soften them.  The roll ups cook quickly and the cheese melts fast, so just enough to help them along ahead of time!  Leave the herbs and olives fresh!

What you need...

Prepare toppings...

Lay out tortillas, top with cheese, then top with topping all down the center line...drizzle a little sauce if you like!

Fold over one edge, and roll up...

Place seam side down on a lined baking sheet...

Bake at 375 for about 10-15 minutes...just until cheese is melted...

Slice and serve...

Serve with marinara dipping sauce and fruit!


  1. Deanna, how do you prepare the veggies? Sautรฉ in butter? I would have probably just wrapped them raw. Do you cook the olives as well?

  2. A Benton...I usually sautรฉ mushrooms, spinach, onions, garlic, peppers in a tiny bit of olive oil....just for a couple of minutes! Just long enough to gently soften them since it doesn't take long to warm through the roll up and melt the cheese! I don't cook the olives, tomatoes, fresh herbs or anything like that! I hope that helps!!!! Keep the questions coming and Cheers to you!!! Thanks for your support! Deanna
