Sunday, February 1, 2015

Feed a Kid a Fish...

I have had a lot of people lately asking how I got my kids to eat so much fish.  We eat fish several times a week and really, they eat all kinds of seafood.

I realize there is a huge debate on whether kids are born "picky" or whether this is a learned behavior...if you think back to your children's responses when you first fed them food...what were they?  Tucker spit everything out the first go....everything...but we pressed on and just kept trying.  Not forcefully, but just attempting...

It's funny because I have 4 children...all within 18 months of each other and they all have different preferences, always have.  But...over time we have continued to try and retry things, never giving up on anything, but also not forcing it.  We ask them to just taste something, and if they don't like it, there is no pressure to eat more.  However...most of the time if they try it...they end up liking it.  Sometimes they don' of the girls has always had a texture issue and until very recently would hardly eat any fruit other than apples.  But we kept trying things, new things, old things, just trying...and finally she decided she did like them.  It definitely helps them to see us eat the same things we feed them.  The fact that Tucker will honestly eat anything and loves all food, certainly helps the girls.  Because of his willingness to try stuff, the girls follow.

Regardless or whether you agree on food preferences being a learned behavior or still comes up as a hard sell for kids.  We started feeding them Super Salmon by Happy Baby early's apple, sweet potato, carrot and salmon.  And from then they have always liked salmon.  This recipe is our absolute go-to...they actually request if frequently.  Believe it or not, I did not eat fish until college, at all...I liked shrimp, crab, anything else, but no fish.  Another take on this recipe is how I started eating fish!  It's simple and truly delicious.  Give it a shot and see how it goes with your kids!  I would love to know!

Leave out the cayenne for the kids and pair it with whatever you like!

5 minute, 5 item meal!  This recipe literally takes no time or prep!  It's super simple and unbelievably delicious!  In fact, I baked this Salmon Recipe for my husband as the first meal I ever made him - it worked!  After 10 years, this is still one of our absolute favorite recipes!

Baked Salmon
3-4 Salmon filets
1/3 cup grated parmesan cheese
1/4 cup olive oil mayo
the juice of 1 lemon
olive oil or olive oil cooking spray
cayenne - optional

Preheat the oven to 400.  Wash the fish and pat dry. Drizzle olive oil in a pyrex dish to lightly coat or spray with olive oil cooking spray.  Place fish in dish (skin down).  Mix parmesan, mayo, lemon & cayenne pepper together in a small bowl to make a paste.  Gently spread cheese mixture over the fish.  Bake at 400F for  20-25 minutes or until the fish is opaque inside.

Zucchini Noodles
3-4 medium zucchini squash - washed
olive oil

Wash zucchini and pat dry.  Cut about 1/2 inch of one end, attach to probe on vegetable spiralizer, I use this one!  Run each zucchini through spiralizer and directly into large saute pan.  Drizzle a 1-2 count of olive over zucchini, add salt and pepper.  Saute on medium heat for about 3-4 minutes, just until it begins to soften but not loose color and body!

Salmon on left has cayenne paper, Salmon on right without!

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