Thursday, October 27, 2016

What Empowers YOU?

What Floats Your Boat?
What Rocks Your World?
What Lights You on Fire?
What Trips Your Trigger?
What Puts a Swagger in Your Step?
What Makes YOU feel like Super Woman????
No 2 people are the same and what makes one feel Empowered & Inspired may not even appeal to another! It is like Love Languages - some are fulfilled by Words, while others are fed by Touch or Time! What do you NEED, what makes you operate more effectively, what fills your tank so that you can Turn IT Up?
Take some time to think about what makes you feel stronger and empowered? What makes You feel good about YOU? It can be simple or complex, and there is No wrong answer! I challenge you to give this some thought today!
For me I am empowered by:
Helping Others
Positive Parenting Moments
Seeing Gratitude in Others, especially my Children
When Things fall into place
Getting through a challenge
Checking Things off my to-do list
Hitting Goals big or small
A workout that really kicks my tail and makes me pour buckets of sweat
Sunshine on my face
Running while the Sun Rises to set the tone of my day
Aha moments
Making someone laugh
A community of people who support one another
Take a second and share some things that make you feel empowered!!!!! Comment below!!

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