Thursday, July 21, 2016

There's a Monster Under My Bed

So this happened! My husband left for me Motivational Words of Wisdom on the bathroom mirror! But they are so very wise and true!  (and washable ;)

"What you Focus on you Find,
What you Focus on Grows,
What you Focus on seems Real,
What you Focus on you Become." -Rod Hairston
Think about it! When you were a kid, and you thought there was a monster under your bed. If you sat there, focusing on the possibility of that monster, did it become more and more real? Did you actually fear getting up and checking? Did you get up and check? After seeing there was nothing there, did you still think there was a chance that it was there anyway? Did your mind override what you knew to be real? 
It's so easy to find your faults, be your constant critic and focus on what you don't like about yourself. But, when you do that, those things get bigger and bigger in your mind. It's that good old self fulfilling prophecy. You see yourself as a loser, you never do anything to make yourself a winner. If you swing your mindset, Focus on your strengths and build a different goal for WHO you want to be, the possibilities become endless. Obviously, a little honesty goes a LONG way! Be kind to yourself! Instead of holding your flaws over your head, Focus on the ways that you know you CAN help yourself work on them! Giving yourself the credit of being able to make progress, is the first step towards a better version of YOU!

It's up to YOU to find your FOCUS, grow your strengths or grow your weaknesses and help your family do the same!

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