Saturday, April 23, 2016

Some Apologies, Admissions and Righting of the Mothership...

Almost 2 years ago I started this blog in response to the many people who kept asking me how I balanced life, kids, the house, everything, and seem like I have it mostly together.  It began with several posts about how I planned, prepped, cleaned, and simply kept the Mothership organized, including some recipes people asked repeatedly for.

Quickly, it became more about the recipes, and a little less about how we actually do it...

I'm not sure if that was because so many Moms kept asking for more healthy, easy, family-friendly recipes, if it was my LOVE of cooking and food, or because it's SO hard to really explain how we do it all.   Because sometimes we don't...sometimes I feel all out of whack, like an unraveling Mom, and at those times I certainly have no room to tell anyone how to do anything....

Honestly, I feel completely stuck so often.  I get so many people sending me messages telling me how much they rely on my recipes and blog posts, because it inspires them in various ways.  I even have those who ask for more and reach out when I don't post.  I can't explain how much it motivates and inspires ME to hear that I am helping people.  If I can help just one Mom get through a tough day any easier,  we both win.

But then there's the other side of taking the time...  I get a lot of those who poke and jab and make the comments because of all I try to balance....more than I can sometimes for sure!  I get the talking, and the jeers, because I do things my own way, and I don't really feel the need to fit in, most of the time.   But yes, it does hurt my feelings and it has kept me from blogging for periods.   I will never understand why so many women like to break each other down with judgements and chatter, when we all share most of the same battles.  Working Moms and stay-at-home Moms, Moms of 1,2,3,4+ are all so often the unsung heroes of the day.  We are quickly called out for an empty tube of toothpaste or an unfavored dinner item, but not often thanked for the new bar of soap or the fresh sheets on the beds.  It's not everyday that anyone thanks us for wiping their hineys, or the patience that we maintain through repeated conflict resolution; and I KNOW I have never been thanked for keeping my calm during a simultaneous throw-down temper tantrum!  Being a Mom is a tough job...we aren't "paid" on socks matched or lunches made, the only tracker on your performance is the happiness and balance of your family.  We are "paid" in uneventful days with less than normal conflict!  We are paid in the moments that we feel successful, the smiles on our family's faces and the sound of a calm house.  Ladies, we can help each other by giving each other positivity, motivation and appreciation...sympthy and understanding, less judgement and more support!  We are all in the weeds, maybe not everyday...but often at some point each day!

In the last couple of months, I have been fortunate enough to join a group of amazing women who give each other CONSTANT fist bumps and pats on the back!  Who share their successes and their fails and keep it real!  People who help each other keep their head high and be proud of what they do, actually encourage the accountability of tooting your own horn!   They help each other get back on the horse and never criticize, don't look back, just listen and help move forward!  It is a group of people who focus on healthy choices, healthy living and enabling others to reach for higher goals in life and health, which all require DAILY strength.  It has been such an unbelievable experience and realization of how much better life is when we are HELP each other, just how strong we can be as a team and a force.  Quite simply what is does to your self to have enduring support from several strong women, the inner strength and confidence it generates!

Through the few months of working on my self, it has dawned on me that I had gotten to a point where I couldn't accept a compliment without looking down, where I could hardly be in a social setting without constantly feeling judged, where I was afraid to take leaps, because of the fear of failure.  That feeling stinks.  But with the nudge of a couple of amazing women who I respect without  limit, I have rebounded and am ready to tackle some new challenges!  One is Righting the blog, bringing back the variety that it started with and adding a lot of new, with honesty and hopefully strength building for all Moms!

The truth is I don't ever want to tell anyone HOW to do it...some days I have no clue how I am going to make it to bedtime, some days I pray and cry, and some days I cry and pray.  Sometimes I yell and sometimes I give in and order take-out.  Sometimes the pile of laundry looks like a never-ending black-hole, sometimes I feel completely overworked, under appreciated and quite simply drained.  Let's be honest, most of us do!  However, we will all get through it and supporting one another with words, actions and ideas helps so much!

So, I want to say...I don't want to tell anyone HOW to do Motherhood easier or better...I just want to share the things that help me!  Some might work for you, some might NOT...I totally get that!  And now, working on updating and revamping the blog, I am realizing that many of my non-recipe posts are some of my most popular ones!  Several of those are the ones that I have received personal responses to.  I will be including more of those!  More admissions, more brutal honesty, more getting back on the horse!  It's all a balance right?  So, here comes the balancing act!  I hope it's always, your feedback is so welcomed...good or bad!  If you are reading this, if you are here, then you are already a Kick-ass Mom who is on the hunt for better than yesterday!  Mount up Ladies, Let's do this thing!

PS Tons of thanks and sincere gratitude to ALL of those who have support me and reached out in any way!!!!!!

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