Saturday, January 7, 2017

Balance for Better

What does your Ideal Self look like during 2017? Are you more Patient, more Fit, more Positive, more Present, more Confident, Stronger, Faster, more Focused? Is your center on diet, exercise, self control? Are your goals physical, mental, health or wealth related? If you could channel your Ideal Self, what would that be? 
I have always looked at my New Year's Resolutions with a ho hum attitude, knowing that it probably wouldn't really last. 2016 has taught me different - that anything is possible with focus & consistency and to embrace each day as a new opportunity to #chasebetter However, there is something about a brand new year, a new number, a blank page that is really filled with Wonder, Possibility and Excitement!
2016 has held some highs and lows, a great deal of lessons learned. One big one for me: Change in Inevitable & Constant, it's what you do with Change that is Your Choice. This year my goal is for Continuous Improvement on my Self in all parts of Me.

The first blank page in the 365 page book of You 2017
12 chapters
365 pages 

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