

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Greek Rosemary Tuna Skewers

What you need...
1.5 lbs. tuna steak or medallions
3 tbsp. black or kalamata olive tapenade
the juice of one large lemon (2-3 tbsp)
1 tbsp. red wine vinegar
1 tbsp. fresh rosemary chopped
1 can whole artichoke hearts, drained and rinsed

-Rinse tuna under COLD water and pat dry
-Slice into 2"x2" chunks
-Add to shallow dish and set aside
-In a small bowl, mix together remaining ingredients and pour over tuna
-Stir or toss gently to make sure everything is evenly coated
-Cover and Refrigerate for 20 minutes
-Preheat grill to medium high heat
-Remove, add tuna to skewers  alternating w/ artichoke hearts
(if using wooden skewers, soak for several hours ahead to prevent burning them)
-Add skewers to grill, cook for 3 minutes, then rotate, cook for 2 more or until your liking
Pairs well with Grilled asparagus and Tomatoes, Caprese Salad

Crab Nachos

Crab Nachos
πŸŒ±πŸ¦€ 8oz lump crab + 1/4 avocado + squeeze of 1/2 lime + 1 tbsp diced jalapeΓ±o + 1 Roma tomato seeded and diced + 2 tbsp cilantro chopped πŸ¦€

MIX + Refrigerate 15 minutes 
πŸ¦€Spoon into bell pepper "chips" 
πŸ¦€Top with 1/3 cup shredded cheese
πŸ¦€Bake @ 400F for 20 minutes
Allow to cool slightly before serving!
*add 1/3 cup GMO free cooked corn for a sweet burst!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Jump! Why Skipping is such an amazing exercise!

I often think about my many memories as a child of riding bikes, playing kickball, jumping on the trampoline, swimming and jumping rope!  It amazes me how we would ride bikes ALL afternoon and never get tired!  The energy we have as a child is simple intriguing!  But, think of all the endurance it took to do ALL those things everyday!  We were not only young and viral, but training ourselves by the nature of activity!  It was fun, we weren't doing it for any purpose other than Enjoyment!

That's one of the reasons that I love a HIIT workout!  It's quick, to the point, intense and you aren't stuck in a gym for a long period, but also, you can incorporate actions like jump roping!  It's not as easy as it was when you were a kid!  It takes practice!

Grab yourself an adjustable speed rope, smoothing simple will do! And start practicing!

Skipping is an amazing full body workout!
Fat burning, endurance, agility, quick footwork and coordination are all awesome benefits of skipping!  I mean who has to have more agility, quick response and endurance than boxers?  This is why you see them practicing skipping for 3-6 minute intervals! But did you know that this kind of jumping can also stimulate your lymphatic system and get it pumping?  Not to mention, it's not nearly as tough on your knees or joints as running, because typically both feet absorb the shock together rather than one leg at a time!

But what about your brain?  All exercises benefit your brain!  However, exercises that require sustained body & mind interaction, like the focus of skipping provide much more benefit because of cognitive functioning!  Anything that requires balance, rhythm, coordination and multiple parts of your body functioning in rhythm together to accomplish a task are brain boosting exercises!

It's cheap!  It burns tons of calories, an average of 10-16 per minute, even when you aren't at top speed!  It travels well, it can be done anywhere and can add a great high intensity cardio exercise to any workout!  No matter where you are, if you have a rope, you can add in intervals of squats, lunges, push-ups, burpees, jacks, and other body-weight exercises and have a challenging workout in a small space with no equipment other than a $5 jump rope! It works great for me as a Mom, because I can do this in the driveway with my kids and get a fabulous cardio workout, while I certainly can't go for a run and leave them behind!

I started by adding it as a 30 second interval between my weight training exercises.  So, I would set a timer 30 seconds work, 10 seconds rest, for however many rounds I had planned.  I would alternate, example:
30 seconds dead-lifts
10 seconds rest
30 seconds jump rope
10 seconds rest
30 seconds air squats
10 seconds rest
30 seconds jump rope
and so on...

This not only tests your ability to transition but keeps your heart rate up and adds a great cardio component while practicing.  Eventually, I went to 40 seconds work/10 seconds rest, then 50/10.  My goal for this Summer was to be able to integrate different jumping methods, master the double under and get my repetitions or turns to a max # in a 1 minute interval! Other skills are integrating a corkscrew jump, criss cross, 1 legged jump, even spinning the rope backwards instead of forwards.  I am definitely still not an expert, but I am learning and have come a long way since I started this skill!

 Give it a shot!  The kids are amazed!  They have ropes that count their turns and they LOVE that!  We also just got them a double dutch rope....which at the moment is more our toy than theirs, lol!!!!  #actlikeakidfeellikeakid #fiitnutrition

There's a Monster Under My Bed

So this happened! My husband left for me Motivational Words of Wisdom on the bathroom mirror! But they are so very wise and true!  (and washable ;)

"What you Focus on you Find,
What you Focus on Grows,
What you Focus on seems Real,
What you Focus on you Become." -Rod Hairston
Think about it! When you were a kid, and you thought there was a monster under your bed. If you sat there, focusing on the possibility of that monster, did it become more and more real? Did you actually fear getting up and checking? Did you get up and check? After seeing there was nothing there, did you still think there was a chance that it was there anyway? Did your mind override what you knew to be real? 
It's so easy to find your faults, be your constant critic and focus on what you don't like about yourself. But, when you do that, those things get bigger and bigger in your mind. It's that good old self fulfilling prophecy. You see yourself as a loser, you never do anything to make yourself a winner. If you swing your mindset, Focus on your strengths and build a different goal for WHO you want to be, the possibilities become endless. Obviously, a little honesty goes a LONG way! Be kind to yourself! Instead of holding your flaws over your head, Focus on the ways that you know you CAN help yourself work on them! Giving yourself the credit of being able to make progress, is the first step towards a better version of YOU!

It's up to YOU to find your FOCUS, grow your strengths or grow your weaknesses and help your family do the same!

Monday, July 18, 2016

"Why are you afraid, Mommy?"

Each day a situation presents itself that will allow you to make a choice...either you step forward into growth or back to your comfort zone.  

Raising kids is tough.  Like truly, deeply, consumingly tough.  I mean, I'm a fairly sane person, my kids would probably tell you otherwise, since they frequently tell me that I'm crazy.  But man, the daily, sometimes hourly challenges of mediating, moderating, maintaining, hoping, praying, leaping and just simply holding on tight to what you think is right...not knowing if you are making the right decisions can be draining.  

They are imitators and mirrors, if you look, you will see your habits in them.  While all 4 of our children are distinctly different in every way, I see and hear myself in them every single day.  Some good, some not so good.  But, these little windows give us the opportunity to change things about ourselves and hopefully those changes will help lead them to develop into a better version of themselves too.  It's amazing to me how even at 36 years old, I learn more from having an open and tuned in mind to the actions and words of 5 and 7 year old, than I learn from many other adults.  

While we were gone to pick up our puppy a few months ago, we stayed in a high-rise hotel in downtown Atlanta, because the kids had never seen a big city like that.  We had a balcony overlooking the city and they went out to survey all the grandeur, and we were HIGH up. I am TERRIBLY afraid of heights, like can't stand bridges.  I just couldn't handle it and wanted them to come back in.  My wise husband said, "They do not yet know to have fears of things like this; don't let your fears become theirs." At the moment I was in panic and was totally annoyed with him, probably because he was so dang right. I don't want them to have my many negative traits; that's what I am working to avoid, lol.  And I have thought about that statement he made, every single day since. When I see them developing from my fears and shortcomings, I try to change them

Yes, I know it's completely looney, but I have always feared ALL attics.   When I was a child, my room was alongside the attic and at night I kept hearing scratching and something moving in the walls. I told my parents several times and they kept telling me it was nothing.  But it wasn't!  I knew what I was hearing!  Turned out that a raccoon had climbed through the attic fan and had made a nest, complete with 3 babies in the wall! For real!  Finally my parents began to hear them, the back side of the house had to be taken off for them to remove all those raccoons from the walls! Ever since, attic fear! 

However, I don't like being hot either.  I LOVE to sweat on my terms, but when I am clean and showered, NO... So, this week when it was 95 degrees outside and I realized out AC was out, there was indeed a dilemma. I called my husband at work and he said, "You're going to have to go into the ATTIC, or wait until I get home."  Pshhh...not going into the attic and I hung up chapped.  

Of course my little monkeys with ears the size of megaphones, and whys as big as the sky, "Why don't you like the attic Mommy?" 
And I heard myself say it, "Mommy is just afraid of attics. " 
Well damn, I just voiced my fear and now the barrage, "Why, why, why, why Mommy, why, why? Are you afraid? What's up there?" 
And then, as annoyed as I already was with the facts, even worse I heard my husband's voice in my head, "Don't let your fears become theirs." UGHHHHH!

I stood there in the hall, hoping that nothing jumped out at me when I opened that pull down, praying that as I climbed that ladder, there were no bats dive bombing me or baby raccoons and their Momma pouncing on my face. As I climbed that ladder all 4 of them stood at the bottom, waiting, watching, hanging on my every move.  Nothing attacked me, I didn't see signs of any kind of life up there, nothing other than the blinking emergency light on the air handler.  Sure enough, the water pan was full and I would have to figure out a way to get all that water down. And, darn if it wasn't blazing up there.  

Pause here.  Yes, I could have just called "The Guy."  But, I know that my husband can fix most things, so I don't usually rely on that.  Yes, the kids suggested it, implying that I couldn't fix it. But, I was already up there, knowing full well I am a fairly capable person, and that Tucker is the creative cat of all creatives cats, I made the choice to go after this one.

I knew that it was going to be a fair amount of water.  So I climbed down, rallied my team, we all sat down in the playroom and drew out our afternoon project on a sheet of paper!  "Here's the problem guys, now what ways can you think of to get this down?" And as it became a challenge, a science & engineering project, their faces and fearlessness helped to ease my own fears.  They thought this was AWESOME!  And as I had Tucker grab the hose, made a funnel out of a water bottle, had the girls bring in 2 - 5 gallon buckets and eventually added a 6 ft., 3" PVC pipe to the mix, it became a full fledged Rube Goldberg project - Tucker's obsession.  

In about 45 minutes, 5+ gallons of water removed from the attic, at least 1 gallon of sweat removed from me, several wet towels and minor spills...the AC was back on! But, WAY more was gained by stepping forward. I,
mostly, conquered my fear of our attic...don't ask me to investigate yours, but I am okay with climbing into mine for now! lol.  We worked together, we made it fun and I showed that my silly fear was just that, silly, and there was nothing to be afraid of in the attic! I only have 1001 other silly things to conquer, but at least one down. 

I think I grew more from this than they did.  Believe me, I do the easy thing, make the wrong decision, back down, more often than I would like to admit; however, after this I feel much more confident.  I was able, that day, to say that I made a pretty good parenting decision, and nothing makes you feel much better than that!  I would have sat in the heat, fallen victim to my silly fear, placed a limitation on myself and SHARED it with my children.  I know it sounds funny, but how often do you do this by avoidance.  Danger is real, but fear exists only in your head.  Next time something like this arises, I know they will have confidence in me and not just suggest calling the AC man or Daddy!  And hopefully, hopefully...they build a self-confidence from it too!  They were so proud to help and had so much fun, who knows what else they took away, but I know that they see me as someone who can get stuff done and they don't see the attic as a scary place! Mission Accomplished!

Of course, eventually Bryan had to blow the line out to clear the blockage and ultimately fix the problem!  But we battled bats, raccoons, heat, water and fear!  Challenge your fears, they are where you will find your growth!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

The FAT Truth

Fat, we all want to burn fat, right? But how much do you know about body fat? 
There are 2 types of fat in our body, subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat is the fat that lies just under the skin, the kind you can pinch! Visceral fat is a little harder to id because it's actually in your body cavity, around and between your organs. Your body needs a healthy level of these essential fats to insulate and keep your organs stable, but as it gets out of balance, it becomes destructive! Visceral fat can be dangerous to your body and your health as it increases! Why?
πŸ”It's not your growing pants size that is the most dangerous part, it's what it does! 
πŸ”As it accumulates it is slowing your organ functions, putting pressure on them and interrupting the normal hormone communications that need to take place. 
πŸ”Those interruptions cue insulin resistance and the early stages of diabetes. 
πŸ”It tells your body to store more fat and slow your metabolism.
πŸ”It drives high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
πŸ”It's linked to MANY other conditions. 
πŸ”It is where most of your toxins are stored just sitting there increasing your inflammation
What to do! There are several way to help cut down on your visceral fat and get your body functioning more efficiently! Tomorrow I will talk about effective ways to cut down on your visceral fat and eliminate those dangerous toxins!

*video courtesy The Doctors,

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Grilled Eggplant & Tomato Stacks

What you need...
1 medium eggplant, sliced into 1/2" thick discs
2 tomatoes, 1/2" slices
~ 10 leaves fresh basil
1/4 cup feta cheese (you can also use fresh mozzarella)
olive oil
balsamic vinegar
1-2 stems fresh oregano, leaves removed & chopped
fresh black pepper
sea salt
Greek Seasoning

Slice eggplant, lay it out on a doubled over paper towel and sprinkle with salt.  Let the eggplant sit for about 15 minutes, then flip and repeat on the other side.  Drizzle them with olive oil, or coat with olive oil spray to prevent from sticking to the grill. Fire up the grill and pop these on at medium high heat for about 3 minutes per side!

Remove from grill, immediately top with a leaf of basil and a tsp. of feta cheese.  Meanwhile, add 1 tsp. Greek Seasoning, 1 tbsp. olive oil, 2 tbsp. balsamic vinegar (you can use red wine vinegar I just LOVE balsamic),  1 tsp. fresh black pepper and chopped oregano to a small dish, stir to combine.

Top eggplant with a tomato, then 1 tsp. of balsamic mixture, add finish with 1 more eggplant!  Enjoy warm!


Darn Delicious Dinner is Served!!!!

Grilled Peaches w/ Coconut Gelato

It can't get any more SUMMERTIME SIMPLE than this! 

It's Summer and all those wonderful Summertime fruits and veggies are bountiful!  You absolutely cannot beat FRESH!  Eggplant, Tomatoes, Basil, Oregano, Peaches - FRESH, FRESH, FRESH!!!!!

We picked up these peaches fresh from SC and they were the perfect compliment to our Greek themed dinner! 

While the grill was still hot from the souvlaki and eggplant, we tossed a few peaches on and let them sit for about 7 minutes, pulled them off and served them with our favorite Coconut Gelato! You can always add a little drizzle of honey, but these were so fresh they didn't need it! If you want an even healthier option, serve with Vanilla Greek Yogurt & a drizzle of honey!

For a decadent change, brush them with a touch of balsamic vinegar right after grilling!

 They would have been even better topped with a few Almond slivers - there's always tonight! ;)

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Try Something New!

What can a friendly CHALLENGE do for you? 

By nature, people tend to be creatures of comfort! So you work to a level that feels good to you and then tend to stay there. But if you don't push, there will be limits to your growth! It can really be very motivating to try things that you wouldn't normally try, to simply step out of your box and see what you CAN do! How do you know what your BEST is, if you don't test yourself?
Having others to be accountable with, can help you get to the next level, whether that is simply breaking out of your comfort zone or attempting something that you otherwise wouldn't have even tried! Sharing goals, accomplishments and even challenging one another can really push and pull you to another level - and learning that you CAN achieve things you didn't realize, DRIVES you even further!

It's easy to settle into a comfort zone in life, in your workouts, which can work, don't get me wrong!  However, the results both physically and mentally are SO much more rewarding, when you face something that is outside of that Zone and force yourself to rise to the challenge.  We help our children reach those hallmarks all the time - learning to swim, ride a bike, shoot a basketball, swing a golf club.  Growth comes from new experiences right?  Dealing with challenge, learning from your successes and your failures, how to modify your efforts to reach success! Those are healthy challenges that build our self-esteem with EVERY triumph!

Until You spread your wings, You will have no idea how far you can fly!

I am an admitted control freak, type A, creature of HABIT!   I have my routine and being behind that, outside of it, unprepared for it, well....ask my husband, not good!  I have always liked my nice familiar spot, predictability, the safe zone, if you will. And my habits are not bad, they are very organized, detailed, scheduled, leaving room for what might crop up.  I was already OCD before having 4 kids, but after having 4 kids under 2 years old, I became way more attached to the schedule.  I knew just what would fit where, how I could get 15 minutes here and 5 minutes there and just how to work it so they napped at the same time, etc.  But, I got so attached to my schedule and my comfort zone that we weren't living, branching out, we missed out on things that we could have grown from.  A few months ago, a friend nudged me to get out of my Zone.  I dug my heels in, refused to take the steps, made excuses for why my way worked better.  I believed it!  And as pissed off as one human can be, I started trying some new things, stepping out of my HABITS.  But, I surprised myself!  I actually WAS capable of more!  I liked new habits and what they added to my SELF.  I liked how they made me proud of myself, built me up, gave me strength and the self confidence to keep swimming!  It's amazing what new experiences, successes and failures - trying to work through them, what it all can do to stimulate you mentally and physically.   It's mind-blowing how just because your way works...doesn't mean that a tweak won't give you the edge to an even better place!

Mini-challenges to push you along...
Last month a friend challenged me to a 200 push-up workout, 100% from my toes! At first, I was like, WHOA! But, I surprised myself by doing it without all that much pain.  If she had not pushed ME, I don't know that I would have tried that myself!  
Since then, I have done a new weekly challenge for myself, some with friends, some just with really high goals! But, doing them with someone else certainly makes you work harder!  It has helped strengthen my confidence to try new thing more often! 
Adding regular challenges and trying NEW things can be liberating and empowering! Is there something you've been wanting to try? Give it a shot, you might surprise yourself! 
Strength does NOT come from what you CAN do, it comes from OVERCOMING the things you once thought you couldn't!
A couple challenges ago: The Ninja Jump - thanks to Heather Barritt - not perfect but working on it! PS I hit the deck more than a couple times on this! lol 

Saturday, July 2, 2016

What is it about Water?

It's the Dog Days of Summer -it's HOT out there and it's a big holiday weekend!  So please remember to stay hydrated, beer and margaritas don't count! ;)

You hear it all the time!  Drink you're water!  Stay Hydrated! 8 glasses a day!  Drink half your body weight in ounces! But, much should you be consuming and why?

 Obviously, we all know we need to drink water, but why?  What is so important about drinking so much water!  How much do you need to drink? And does it really help with weight loss?

I talked a few days ago about the chemical reactions that occur in the body to trigger storing fat vs. burning fat.  Well, without water, none of those reactions happen.  Water is the driving force behind every chemical reaction in our bodies!  If you are not properly hydrated, the fat burning process will slow down, along with many other functions!  Lack of water put's your body into a "survival mode" telling your kidneys and liver to make up for it!  This is where those headaches, confusion and fatigue come into play! Without proper hydration, one of the first messages your body receives is to slow metabolism!  Drink up!

Lots of people mistake being thirsty for hunger!  When you think you're hungry, are you sure that's what you're feeling?  Try drinking a glass of water and give it a few minutes to see if that's really what your body is telling you!  Drinking more water keeps your body full, staves off hunger and helps to keep you from overeating!  You could be taking in more calories than you need to, if you are mistaking that craving! Plus, it helps keep things moving, if you know what I mean!  Drinking enough water will help to improve both digestive function and efficient elimination of wastes and toxins in your system!

Just when you think it's all about you diet, the body can survive alone on water for up about 30 days, but without it...only about 3! 

Moreover, even mild dehydration has been shown to decrease energy levels, performance, mood and even short-term memory firing!  It also improves your skin!  By filling your cells with proper hydration, your skin will smooth out and wrinkles will be much less evident.  It might sound silly, but I like to think about it like a piece of bread!  You have the fluffy, moist, plump bread, and then you have the stale bread that has lost it's moisture and has become dry, flaky, and cracked! Your skin cells do the same thing! helps to decrease those dark under-eye circles!


Is all water the same?
Tap water, Spring Water, Purified Water, Drinking Water, Distilled Water, Sparkling can be a bit confusing! It's all sort of like, organic, all natural, etc.

Tap Water, obviously, comes from your faucet.  The EPA requires a particular amount of chlorine in tap water to prevent contamination by killing bacteria and micro-organisms.  However, chlorine is a known carcinogen, smells and tastes funny and can make you sick!

Spring Water, has a lovely sound and connotation, but actually poses many of the same risks as Tap Water.  It's one of those terms that is misconstrued, sort of like "All natural."  It's really just like Tap Water, contains many contaminants, just generally lacks the amounts of chlorine.

Distilled Water is boiled past the boiling point of water for a specific period of time, to boil off the contaminants; however, many contaminants found in water may not boil off due to their own boiling point.  So, additional filtration is necessary.

Filtered Water is usually tap water that has been run through a filtration process, usually carbon filtration, to remove the chlorine.

*Purified Water* in order to use this term, water impurities must be removed or significantly reduced.  It must be filtered and run through  reverse osmosis or deionization; hence, regardless of the source of the water, this water must be free from impurities to receive that title!

When to up your water?
If you are exercising you are losing a lot more water to cool you body down, sweat.  That water needs to be replaced, so it's important to push fluids during and after a workout!
When it's HOT.  Anytime the temperature is up, your body is cooling itself...even if you don't notice sweat beads, you are still losing water! So, right now...mid-SUMMER, you should up that intake, especially if you are spending time outside!

And remember, for every soda or alcoholic beverage, you need to add more! Both are diuretics and cause you to lose water!  So you should be drinking 6-8oz. of plain water for every soda or beer!

Fun Fact: Alcohol inhibits the production of ADH, a hormone that tells our body to retain water, that's why the booze makes you pee and how it works as a diuretic!

How to get it all down!

Get yourself a big cup with measurements on the side!  I love my huge blender bottle cup with the lid!  I used to spill my water all the time, mostly it would get knocked over by a puppy tail or a rowdy kiddo, but the lid helps me with that! And, if I am on the go and need to blend up a quick shake away from from, I can do that too! ;)  I also use my FitBit app to track my intake.  I log my oz. every time I fill my bottle!  If you don't have a FitBit, there are quite a few other apps out there to help track your water!   There are cups now that actually track it for you, but I like my simple cup!

Some people like to set hourly goals, or daily goals; like 40 oz. by noon, 80 oz. by 4pm, etc.  It can also be helpful to have a buddy!  As I have said before, accountability is a huge reminder and motivator!  Sometimes I do gallon challenges with my husband or my BFF!  Just making it a habit will keep you going, now I don't really have to think about it!

Drink people, there are SO many reasons to chug that water!!!!

Friday, July 1, 2016

She's a Grand Ol Flag - Tasty Treat, I have said before, I am NOT a dessert person, I am not a sweet eater at all.  I can mow down some salty chips or french fires, but I am not tempted by desserts.  THIS is insanity!  It is delicious!  Not too sweet, just sweet enough, seriously SO SO good!  We ALL love it!  The kids especially love this for a breakfast "casserole" lol, but with about 15g of protein per serving, depending on your serving size...I am okay with them starting their day with this!

What you need...

Nut Crust
2 cups pecan pieces
1/2 cup coconut flour (you can use almond flour if you like)
1 tbsp. raw honey
2 tbsp. coconut oil, melted

2 - 8oz. bars organic cream cheese, softened
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
32 oz.  container Chobani Simply Greek Yogurt - Vanilla

1 pint organic strawberries, washed, halved
6 oz. organic blueberries, washed
the juice of half a lemon
handful white chocolate chips (exactly 50 if you are OCD like us, lol)

Preheat the oven to 400F.  Add crust ingredients to the bowl of a food processor - add in order so the honey doesn't stick to the sides ;).  Pulse the blades 8-10 times, until you get a crumbly mixture.  Lightly spray a 9x13 glass dish with coconut/olive oil cooking spray.  Add nut crumble t the dish, spread it out and press until firmly covering the bottom of the dish. Bake for 10 minutes, then remove to cool for about an hour.

Add blueberries and the juice of half a lemon to a small pot, turn to high heat and cook for about 2 minutes, or until  the blueberries all pop open and a little blueberry ooze coats the bottom.  Remove from heat and cool with crust. I stirred it a couple times while cooling to keep the yumminess fem sticking to the pan.

Meanwhile, add cream cheese, vanilla and 1/4 cup of the yogurt to the bowl of a mixer and whip for 1 minute, until smooth and spreadable!

When crust is cooled, spread cream cheese mixture over nut crust, then top with remaining yogurt.  Add blueberry topping to the top left corner in a square shape.  Using the strawberries, place them in lines to create the red flag stripes.  Last, add the white chocolate chips to the blueberries as stars!  Cover and refrigerate until needed, an hour or more!  Enjoy for breakfast, dessert or even a nice refreshing Summer snack!

**Check out the LIVE video...please excuse the sideways view and Tucker's sneeze...after all it IS real life LIVE! lol lol lol....**