

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Grilled Peaches w/ Coconut Gelato

It can't get any more SUMMERTIME SIMPLE than this! 

It's Summer and all those wonderful Summertime fruits and veggies are bountiful!  You absolutely cannot beat FRESH!  Eggplant, Tomatoes, Basil, Oregano, Peaches - FRESH, FRESH, FRESH!!!!!

We picked up these peaches fresh from SC and they were the perfect compliment to our Greek themed dinner! 

While the grill was still hot from the souvlaki and eggplant, we tossed a few peaches on and let them sit for about 7 minutes, pulled them off and served them with our favorite Coconut Gelato! You can always add a little drizzle of honey, but these were so fresh they didn't need it! If you want an even healthier option, serve with Vanilla Greek Yogurt & a drizzle of honey!

For a decadent change, brush them with a touch of balsamic vinegar right after grilling!

 They would have been even better topped with a few Almond slivers - there's always tonight! ;)

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