Saturday, April 30, 2016

Saturday Tip! Canned Foods...

Saturday Tip Series - A New part of the blog!

I thought that I would make this a new addition!  There are so many little tid-bits that I use as my best practices...things I have learned along the way, things that help out, save time or are just a healthy tip!

For today, let's talk canned foods!

I don't LOVE canned foods, honestly.  They are usually packed with tons of sodium and preservatives! I prefer frozen, which are much cleaner, no added sodium and usually they are flash frozen at their peak!  Where I can use frozen fruits, veggies, etc.,  I always do!  I stock up when all of my go-tos are on sale.  Fresh is always best, but frozen can be a close second...and let's face it, convenience is key!

However, there are some canned items that are unavoidable!

For Tomatoes, always look for low sodium, BPA free liner, and check for added sugar!  I find that Fire Roasted Tomatoes generally are free of added sugar.  Most canned and jarred tomatoes have added sugar, so check!!!  Tomatoes are one of the Dirtiest Conventional Veggies, so buy Organic on those!

Anything else, I always make sure to give a good rinse!  Anytime I open a can of garbanzos, artichokes, black beans, etc., they go straight into a colander and get a hefty rinse!  Who wants any of that sodium goop in their recipe?  UGH...not I!  It won't get rid of all of it, but some....and that's better!

Hope this helps!

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