

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Paleo Pumpkin Coconut Curry Soup

This soup literal saved my life! Several years ago, when I was home sick, with all 4 kids sick, who were all under 2 at the time...a dear angel of a neighbor made me a similar soup and it was the turning point in our sickness. It literally opened up my head and gave me the will to fight again ;) Seriously, it was life changing and ever since, whenever I am sick with a head cold this is my go-to! Easy Peasy Crock-pot Squeezey!

The Chipotle in Adobo is totally optional, as is the cilantro garnish; however, I LOVE the really smokey profile that the chipotle gives as it enhances the curry flavors to me! Also, I stirred in 1 scoop of Collagen to mine just before serving, great for bones, joints and skin!
If you want to beef up the protein a little to even out your macros, I added 1/3 cup shredded chicken to my leftovers and it was delicious! (just slow-cooked skinless breasts for 3 hours and shredded).
*Tip - Whenever I open a can of Chipotle in Adobo, I use what I need and dump the rest into a quart sized freezer bag, lie it flat, seal it up and freeze. Then you can break off pieces as needed and toss them into anything! The smokiness goes a long way and can be used in all kinds of recipes!*

What you need...
2 cups bone broth (I used chicken broth that I had frozen)
2 cans Organic Pumpkin Puree
1 can Coconut Milk
2 tsp. Curry Powder
1/2 tsp black pepper
1 tbsp red curry paste
1/2 tsp turmeric
1 tbsp. chipotle in adobo sauce 
cilantro garnish (optional)
Collagen Peptides (optional) 
Dump all the ingredients in, stir to combine, turn to low and cook for 4 hours, whisk to thicken just before serving!
Pressure Cooker-
Dump all the ingredients in, stir to combine, pressure cook for 10 minutes, allow to keep warm for 10 minutes, release pressure (carefully), whisk to combine and serve!

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