

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Adaptogens, say what?

There's Magic in that there Gold!
Since discovering this amazing Adaptogenic Vitamin Blend, there is only ONE way to start my day!  #onescoopeveryday
This time of year can be especially stressful! Statistics show that depression and anxiety are at an all time high around the holidays and the first of the year! It's dreary and cold, it gets dark early, people are reeling from the $ they just shelled at and trying to set themselves straight for a better New Year! 
Adaptogens are natural herbs that assist your body in coping with all types of stress: internal, environmental, chronic, etc. Although Cortisol increase is a normal and healthy response to stressors, over time, increased levels begin to impact your brain and it's many functions! Adaptogens, especially paired with B vitamins can assist with mental performance, attention, response time and in turn drive energy! #theygivemethehappy #pepinmystep#wolfberry #ashwagandha #ioNIXthestress #Bionix

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