

Thursday, October 27, 2016

What is Fear?

What is Fear? Fear is lack of Trust, Trust in God or Trust in Yourself. Fear is realistic and unrealistic. Fear is not a fact, it's a feeling. Fear is all yours, you built it, you grew it, you own it; it's your choice what you do with it. Fear is the thing that grows the longer you let it. Fear is what keeps you in your Comfort Zone. Fear is what enables you to keep your old habits and not push forward to create new ones. Fear of failure, fear of the unknown, fear of how hard it might be, fear of what it might feel like to get to the other side. Fear is the thing that is standing between you and Growth. Finding the strength to Trust and push forward into those fears is what happens when you Love yourself enough, Trust Yourself and God enough, and know that More is out there! 

Today I faced several of my fears, several...all at once and it felt amazing! Hard, SO hard, Humbling, Empowering, Motivating and Propelling. Don't let your fears hold you captive, Love Yourself enough to challenge your fears - That is what you were put here for! #loveyourself #trustinyou#couragemeanstheresmore

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