

Saturday, August 27, 2016

4am Wake-up - WHY?

What do you do when you get up at 4am on Saturday? 
First, your curse your husband's alarm, because you have already been awake for 30 minutes in anticipation of the alarm going off. Then, you tell him good luck and goodbye and make sure he has all of his safety lights for the bike & run portion of his training. Then you attempt to go back to sleep, but you know it isn't happening! take the opportunity of a quiet house and you brainstorm ideas to help people!
I am not here because I have tons of free time, I am not here because I am perfect or because I have all the answers. Hell, last night I was vacuuming crayon shavings out of my freezer! joke...can't make that up! Ask my kid about his frozen crayon shaving "project!" I am not here because I am a fast typer, or because I am good at harnessing technology! Let's face it, many of you have seen my not 1, but 2, yes 2, sideways videos on here! I do NOT have it all figured out! But, every single time I receive a message from someone, telling me that I helped them, it pushes me along in my crazy life!
We are all here muddling through bad days, and drinking up the good ones, praying that those fill our tank with enough strength, patience and gratitude to get through the sucky ones. But, what I have learned is that a kind word, a helping hand, a SMILE or something, anything that makes the day better or easier, makes the difference.
I like food, I love to cook, I like to create, I like to dig into the pantry and think of new ways to put food together, but that is not WHY I am here! I am here because of YOU...every YOU who is reading this! I am here because I hear your requests for easy dinners that your kids will eat, for crock-pot meals that are cooking themselves so that you can help with homework, for tricks that save you time, for menus that are doable, for healthy options and for tips on how you can gain health and wellness! I LOVE to help others! I am here because I want to help share the gift that I have! We all gifts, every single one of us! Life changes when you find your GIFT, your WHY, and the HAPPINESS it brings to share that with others!
Thank you for being here...thank you for your requests, feedback, support and for letting me share my gift with you! Thank you for driving my WHY!!!
Today's Brainstorm: 18 Different Ideas for Your Crock-pot/Pressure Cooker Shredded Chicken! Every one of them will be super easy, almost completely hands off and Family Friendly! 
Watch out! Shredded Chicken Series Coming Soon! And your week will be at your fingertips!!! Boom!

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