

Monday, May 2, 2016

It takes a STRONG Mind to change...

"Whether you think you can or think you can't, you are right." - Henry Ford

What can you accomplish when you focus your MIND?

60 days difference!
For the better part of the last 5 years, I have been working so hard to get back to that pre-baby weight, aren't most Moms? But, with severe diastasis recti, resulting from my triplet pregnancy, and of course the time crunch of running a household with 4 kids under 6, I seem to always hit a wall.  That  # on the scale...I think everyone has it.  That one number that you can always seem to get to when you are working your hardest, but not quite push through.  The one that haunts you.  

I have always carried a lot more weight than others, just a tendency to gain easily, and a very broad shouldered frame.  It has always made me really self-conscious.  But, after having 4 babies in under 20 months, it was a little overwhelming.

As I began to learn about diet, exercise, weight training and a healthy lifestyle, I didn't worry so much about the number on the scale and more about what I looked like and how I fit into my clothes.   I learned to love the fact that I gain muscle easily and really started focusing on adding muscle to help burn the fat.  I have worked out almost every single day for the last 4 years.  I hardly take rest days because I NEED that outlet...I NEED my workout to stay sane in this crazy life!

I have tried everything, every kind of workout, every diet out there, every supplement, vitamin, energy booster, sleep aid.  We eat pretty clean, try to stay 80/20 with our Primal lifestyle, but allowing splurges here and there.  I am diligent, but of course we have times that we indulge more than others.

The Holidays were over the top for us this year.  The kids are at such a fun age, we have almost all of our family right here within 5 miles of each other, and we enjoyed our Christmas break and then some.  Why not, right?  But then getting back in the saddle was tough.  We were eating clean, not missing any workouts, dropped a couple of pounds, but getting back is A LOT harder than getting out of shape is!

A good friend of mine had mentioned a nutritional supplementation program she lives by, several times.  She is a fellow Mother of 4, short on time, but BIG on health and motivation.  She shares SO many of the life values that I have, and she is in absolutely unreal condition.  Truly.  She is a cardiac nurse and studied exercise physiology in school.  She swears by the amount of energy it gives her and what it has done for her body and motivation.  How could I go wrong? Why not?  Excuses...that was what I gave for a while.  Eh, I don't want to commit to a program...I don't want to drink shakes...I am a foodie, a food blogger, I like food, and I have a good system!

Little did I know that this would change my life! And my husbands!  In fact a week into it, he said, "This is the best idea you have ever had!" hahahahaha...It has been awesome!  And I agreed! Less work for me!  Less purchasing and prepping! MUCH easier morning when an out the door shake takes 1 minute!  Within days I had more energy, clarity, better sleep, noticeable muscle gains, weight loss and my skin was better than it has been since the girls were born!

Now, don't get me wrong....I still do my Sunday prep!  We still eat FOOD!, actually more than we did before!  Now on Sunday I make 16 snacks and plan/prep for 4 dinners!  For the last 60 days we have eaten a shake for breakfast, a snack from my blog, a shake for lunch, another snack from my blog and a large healthy ~500 calorie dinner from the blog (or coming recipes) every single day!  We have still had our Grass Fed Friday Night (Burger Night), we have still indulged here and there and have not felt like we were on a diet plan at all!  It's truly not!  It integrates into our life and is amazing!

It took mental focus to start out and removal of the bank of excuses you can come up with when you don't want to commit to something!  But, it has been wonderful in so many ways!

If you are ready to commit or have ANY questions, contact me for information!

Check out the awesome Comprehensive 60 Day Challenge Program that I am being featured in as a Guest Contributor!  

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