

Monday, May 9, 2016

Food - How I got here!

I am definitely one of the lucky ones!  God placed me into an amazing family in every single way, for more reasons than I can possibly begin to chronicle.  Anyone who knows my family, knows that we are a force to be reckoned with!  We have traditions upon traditions, always have a GIANT gathering and over the top celebrations for EVERYTHING!  We put each other first in every way, we are each other's rocks and best friends!

For any and all holidays, birthdays, special events and often times just the lovely Sunday afternoon, the entire crew of kids, spouses, grandchildren, girlfriends, boyfriends, in-laws, cousins, friends, neighbors and the occasional party-crasher can be found living it up at my parent's house.  Everyone is welcome; they are quick to just "put another steak on the grill."  There is always enough food and fun!  And there is ALWAYS a competition!  It might be a bring your best homemade salsa and guacamole, it might be a 3-legged race for the title!

A few months ago we were there having an oyster roast for my sister's birthday.  A friend's 11 year old son, who lives a few houses down from my parents, saw us there playing football in the front yard, and joined in.  He stayed and played for a couple of hours.  He joined in on the oysters, cake and games.  A little while later, he showed back up with his Mom, coming to say hi.  She said he had walked in and said, "Mom, they are ALL over there, tons of them! And it was SO much fun!" It's true!  There are tons of us...9 grandchildren just to start...but what comes with all that Southern fun and festivities?  Southern FOOD! And beau coos of it!

That's the other little tid-bit!  Anyone who knows my family, also knows...if there's anything we don't skimp on, it's good food!  Most of us can cook...pretty well!  Growing up, my Mom cooked most week nights, Friday was the only time we were allowed to have pizza and soda; we always ate as a family, and were taught the importance of a sit down meal with manners. But on the weekends... Dad cooked on the weekends!  Always something over-the-top! Usually something he made up as he went along...definitely a creator, NEVER a recipe follower!  And when we would ask what was for dinner, he would ALWAYS simply reply, "Recipe!"  That could mean and seafood chowder served over a bed of wilted spinach, that could mean garlic potato encrusted snapper, it could mean crab cakes or steak, super spud potatoes and a big salad.  You never knew what was coming!  But one thing you could count would not be simple and it would not be bad!  It would be amazing, so amazing that he always wished he had kept track of what he put in it!  hahaha....

He is a taste and tune kind of chef, just like I am.  I learned from him.  I learned to appreciate good food, not to taint a good steak with some crappy store bought sauce (no offense), to always buy good meat and local seafood, and to expose my children to a variety of food!  It still makes me laugh how the room would go silent if a guest dared to ask for ketchup or Heaven forbid A-1 Sauce! hahahahahah....we all knew that was a 4-letter word in his house!  First line of order in prepping a boyfriend to dine at our house....never ask for a condiment that isn't served with your meal!  If the chef intends it to compliment your food, it will be there!  

We didn't eat out much, but were taught as children, how to order from a menu and how to ask for our steak or fish to be cooked to our liking.   Looking back, it was really a surreal upbringing, but I am truly grateful for every ounce it!  It only drives me to do the same for my children!

The result...ummm....a lot of things: many priceless memories, tons of wonderful experiences, a knowledge of what I instill in my children as well, an appreciation for food, a variety of tastes, Southern cuisine, how to experiment in the kitchen, how to think out of the box, great flavor combinations and much, much more.  But on the flip definitely has taught me to really, really love and savor my food!  That can be great, but it can also be troublesome!

You have to learn to appreciate food without becoming overindulgent!  You also have to learn how to balance it well with healthy choices and activity!  Love for food can quickly turn into a runaway train!  Oh...this has sure gotten the best of me before!  I try something dining out, and go home to recreate it, then I am stuck cooking it over and over until I have it just the way I want

And then there's the Southern issue.  My parents have the Paula Deen syndrome....everything can be fried!  Everything!  One of my Mom's specialties is fried asparagus!  Yes...and it is AMAZING!  The bad thing is, my Mom can fry anything better than the best chef's in the world - PROMISE! And no deep frier in sight...straight up, in her skillet!  Golden to perfect every.single.time.  Whether it's grouper nuggets, french fries or okra.  That makes it tough!

And then there's my Dad, butter, bacon and brown sugar fit into every meal! Hahaha.  He can make a marinade that will make your mouth water just thinking about it...and talk about a sauce!  No wonder he doesn't like store bought condiments - he can whip up the best BBQ sauces in the world, which he has been known to LOAD on using a wad of paper towels in place of a basting brush! lol lol lol.  And like I have parents could win the Bobby Flay cook off 10 times over, no doubt!  

But, the last few years I have spent reading, researching and really indulging in learning about diet.  Fueling my brain with all the whys.  Sadly, sooooo many things we eat and I have eaten for years are simply terrible for you!  The root cause of so many health issues, the fuel for overindulgence, the weight that brings us down in so many ways!  So the just stick to this diet or that diet.  Eat your veggies straight up and just ignore all those things you love to eat.  No!  You find ways to create all those great flavors, naturally!  It became my challenge.  That is how I got here!

I am Father's child in SO many way.  I love food, I love to cook great food and share it with people. I love to see people enjoy food.  I love the warmth and social aspect that food brings.  I love trying new things.  And I LOVE to see people eat healthy, out of their norm dishes and absolutely LOVE them as if it were something chocked full of the yummy tasting stuff that is no holds barred!  I got drunk off of serving my parents Boursin Cauliflower Mash that they didn't realize weren't mashed potatoes! I go insane over a great Zucchini Noodle Spaghetti and Meat Sauce that would rival any Italian!  It is always a competition between me and old recipes to find a healthy way, to create, to improve! Yes, food is a HUGE part of my life, but rather than letting it rule me, I have learned to rule it! 

Just exactly like my Dad, I crave food; I wake up with an idea for a meal, something that has struck me.  I plan as much as I can, and prep ahead to stick to guidelines, not have to go to the store everyday, to keep my cool, stay the course.  But it's no lie...I will have taste in my mouth for something and I can't shake it.  I will remember something or think of a flavor profile and what it could be complimented by and I will turn it over and turn it over in my head until I have this huge, complex idea bout how I want to go about it!  It's always my self experiment....and I just have to try it!  So, just like him, on the weekend I don't usually plan anything.  I know that I will be trying out whatever idea I have been brewing in my head.  And many's something that my Dad has made...just a different version!  I can make a Paleo Chopped BBQ like no body's business!  It tastes like I used a bag of brown sugar and the only sugar in it is a tablespoon of honey and some Balsamic vinegar, but the trick is to learn your flavors and how to make substitutions, where you can leave things out and add others!  I love the feeling I get when I get the make-over just right! Healthy food can be just as good!  The best part is, it makes you feel so much better than the alternatives!!!

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