Saturday, May 21, 2016

CHOICE vs. Force

CHOICE vs. Force. 
What happens when YOU make a choice in life? What happens when you feel FORCED ? It's amazing how different your actions and your mindset become; your approach and commitment when you CHOOSE to do something. There is automatic obligation, you feel a responsibility to yourself, your Mental Muscle has focused on a goal that is already reasonable to your mind.
If pressure is applied for a specific outcome is it really for you, your mind? If you feel forced does it enable your mind to adjust? Or does it precipitate immediate push-back? Do you become more rigid in your actions and lack enjoyment in the journey? That is usually when resentment and rebellion are possible. 
Just think, when you help your children to make their own choices, isn't the outcome much different than when you force them without their own willingness to commit? When you make the choice and do the work that is when you gain strength, endurance, and the ability to continue with forward momentum; pride in yourself and the ability to make even larger gains and set even higher goals! When you realize that YOU can do anything your mind CHOOSES to do!
About 75 Days ago my husband and I joined hands and together we made a Choice on a commitment to a change in diet, exercise and lifestyle. We had already been eating pretty clean, with maybe a few too many splurges. I was exercising everyday without fail, but he was spotty at best. It seemed that no matter what I did I just could not get over the hurdle I was standing by. One of the new things we implemented is a Cellular Cleasne, not a colon cleanse or anything like that, a supported intermittent fast, giving our digestive system a rest and our cells the ability to release environmental toxins. 
These days have been very easy and VERY productive in energy production, fat loss and muscle gains for both of us. My metabolism has been way up, making me really hungry, lately, and last week when it came to our Cleanse Day, I was not all in. I felt forced and was hungry, resentful, and quite frankly annoyed. It was rough and I was not happy, nothing like all the others had been. So, I decided that I would skip a week and give my mind time to calm and commit. However, I woke up yesterday at 4:45am without an alarm, and immediately felt like doing my Cleanse Day. I was completely committed. I got up and banged out a 45 minute, TOUGH workout, and was not ready to stop when it was over! I was firing on more cylinders than I knew I had! My day was AWESOME! I breezed through the day, checking off everything on my list and more, empowered and HAPPY! (And for those of you who know me, OCDeanna LOVES to check things off a list, heehee). This was a product of CHOICE! I went to bed happy, proud, and fulfilled. I woke up this morning with awesome energy, positivity, feeling light on my feet and ready to take on the day. The power of CHOICE!
Sometimes, staying on track is NOT easy! Some days are much harder than others, every day is not the same. You have to listen to your mind, your body and your heart, sometimes you need to give yourself a break! There is no cut and dry, no black and white; you have to leave room for what your body and mind tell you. YOU are the only one who can determine your goals and when to you are ready to go for them! Finding Investment in Today, in yourself and what YOU want and need is your best answer!

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