

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Spring into Spring Cleaning - Post #2 - The Fridge & Pantry

Nothing like a good cleanse to get you going, right?  Well, the fridge (s) and pantry are another great place to start your Spring Cleaning!  I'm not talking about tossing out last week's leftovers lurking in the back, although please do that too!  I'm talking about really cleaning the inside of your fridges and getting them spotless and sanitized!

It's easy to overlook cleaning your fridges winces they stay filled with food!  But, the drip here, and the drop there, and the shedding of herbs and such in the veggie drawer can leave little messes in there!  So, grab yourself a big cooler, some vinegar and baking soda and let's get this party started!

Most households these days have an extra fridge; I know we could live without it!  Both of ours are fully stocked and filled to the brim every Sunday.  When you try to focus on fresh fruits, veggies and meats...your fridges get a real workout!  Since I restock on Saturdays for the week, I like to do this on a Friday when the stock is at a minimum.

First, unload the fridge into the cooler.  This is a great time to check dates and freshness on everything!  Sometimes those condiments can get outdated and you don't realize it!  So, check best by dates on everything and toss anything that's questionable!  And, you know I always keep my list going!  Make a note of anything you are tossing that needs replacing so you don't miss it on your next grocery order!

Once the fridge is unloaded, I take out the drawers and any removable shelves.  Scrub them up in the sink with warm soapy water, and lay them out to dry.  While they are air drying, I spray the inside of the fridge and anything that can't be removed, with white vinegar.  You don't want to use any chemicals inside your fridge!  Vinegar usually gets it all, but if you have any sticky, pesky spills that are tough, sprinkle a tiny bit of baking soda on them and they should scrub right off!  Use a kitchen towel or paper towels to dry everything.  Replace your shelves and reload!  I like to wipe off any jars and bottles as I put them back in, making sure that none of them have any drips that can leave those sticky rings and cause a mess!

Now stand back and enjoy the view!  A sparkly clean fridge just makes you want to reload with all the good for you stuff and keep clean - both the appliance and the food in there!!!!

For the pantry, I do the same thing!  Pull it ALL out!  Just get it empty!  Wipe down all the shelves and then vacuum it out to make sure you get any dust or bits and pieces that might be in the nooks and crannies!

Go through everything and check dates!  Sometimes those items you don't use that often will get outdated faster than you think!  I like to store anything open in sealed containers or glass canisters.  This will help keep any of your lesser used items fresh.

Now, put them all back, but think as you do this!  Don't just put it all back like it was!  There might be a better way!  I like to put anything that I don't want the kids to have access to or anything they don't need, up on the higher shelves.  I put their snacks and such down low where they can reach them.  They love to help me make lunches, so I like any of those options to be in easy reach for them!    The treat items are up high, otherwise one of them would be in there sneaking an extra!  I use the top shelf for overflow of things such as Ziplocs and food storage stuff - you know, all the stuff you buy in bulk from Costco or Sam's, haha.

This is also such a good way to spark ideas for things you have made in a while, or prompt you to use things that are close dated!  Turn that inventory!

Now....go meal plan for the week, place that grocery order and reload with healthy stuff!!!

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