

Friday, March 20, 2015

South Western Turkey Burgers

I've said it before and I'll say it again and again...I can't get enough South Western Food.  I don't think I have ever said I wasn't in the mood for Mexicanish food.  So here's our take on the South Western Turkey Burger, and I must's fabulous!  Dress it up in jalapeños or extra roasted reds...either way it's divine!

What you need...
2 lbs. ground turkey
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 garlic cloves minced
1/4 onion, minced
1/4 cup fresh cilantro
1 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp ancho chili powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
1 roasted red pepper, seeds & skin removed
large handful of baby spinach
jalapeños (the hubs like the pickled ones)
buns of your choice (I like the Udi's Gluten free and enjoy mine open face)
optional - Chipotle Mayo (add 1 tsp chipotle in adobo sauce to 1/4 cup mayo)

Turn turkey into a large bowl and toss in the next 8 ingredients.  Stir well with a fork to combine.  Patty out burger to your desired size, but remember that turkey doesn't shrink much during cooking!  (Ours made 7 burgers the size of our buns.)  Cover and refrigerate until needed.

Roasted the red pepper on the top rack of the oven under a broiler set to high.  Rotate the pepper every few minutes until all sides are blackened.  Remove with tongs and place into a bowl along with the spinach.  Cover with a plate and walk away.  Leave the pepper to cool.  As it cool it will wilt the spinach as well.  Remove core, seeds and peel from the pepper and slice into slices.  Reserve.

Heat grill to high heat and spray with cooking spray.  Cook burgers about 3 minutes, the flip and cook 3 more minutes or until internal temperature of 165+ is reached.

Remove burgers and transfer to a lined baking sheet.  Preheat oven to broil.  Top burgers with spinach, red pepper and a slice of your desired cheese.  Broil for about 3 minutes, just until cheese is melted.  Top with jalapeños and add to your favorite bun with may or chipotle mayo!  Serve!
Hint: These are awesome with sweet potato fries dipped in the chipotle mayo!

What you need...

Roast pepper under broiler then add to a large bowl...

Cover with a plate and allow to steam and wilt spinach...

Mix meat with spices, cilantro, onion and garlic...

Mix well to combine...

patty them out...

grill on high about 3 minutes per side...

Top with pepper and spinach...

add cheese...


jalapeños anyone?
and serve!

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