

Thursday, December 4, 2014

A different sort of New Year's Resolution!

So, we took Thanksgiving a little far!  We overindulged in every since of the word.  It was one of those 5 day weekends where we ordered take-out from my favorite place one night, and Bryan's favorite the next.  We stuffed ice cream between cookies and polished off the GIANT pound cake, made homemade pizza, and I even fried shrimp.  We ate tons of dairy, sugar and even......PASTA...we socialized a lot, slept too little and might have had one glass of wine too many...

By Sunday afternoon, I was feeling generally yucky.  My jeans were a little more snug than I am used to, my stomach not feeling it's norm, my body was tired and I was not looking bright eyed and bushed tailed to say the least.  The food hangover when you aren't used to all that is SO bad...a real reminder that all that stuff doesn't do a body good, at least not mine!

It all really got me to thinking.  Every year, Thanksgiving kicks off the Holiday Season and sets the trend of throwing in the towel for for the month of December, with the mindset that we will start fresh January 1.  Our calendars stay BOOKED solid with so many events and indulgences that it's tough to even attempt a regular schedule.  The crazy season of performances and parties, on top of shopping and decorating, drop-ins and gifts galore... and by the time you get home, you just want to open the pantry door and say "go" instead of fixing dinner.  It really makes it hard to cook healthy, keep the fridge stocked and avoid all those temptations along the way!  Everywhere you go, someone is handing you chocolate, cookies, wine, candy canes...oh just one more won't hurt.  But after a month of that little voice saying, "I will kick it into high gear January 1," you've pushed the envelope a teensy bit too far.  

I looked back at my charts (yes, I actually chart my weight and fitness level month to month, my strength and repetitions, I told you I was OCD), and I am down more than 10 lbs. and my strength and fitness level are WAY better that what they were 1 year ago.  So...I refuse to let December ruin that!  Here's what we are doing different this year:

  • Rather than making a New Year's Resolution that STARTS on January 1, I am turning it around and making that date my goal!  My goal is to end this year at a fitness level superior to where I have been in the last year and hopefully a better weight too.   Although I do check and chart my weight, I base much more on how my clothes fit and how productive my workouts are, how many reps and how much weight, distance and time.  Isn't that a much better way to start a year, than behind, your behind...?
  • To offset the indulgences that WILL happen, because we are human and this is the season of thanks and celebration, right?  I have amped up my daily workouts and the hubs started P90X from the beginning on the 1st!
  • A little healthy challenge!  In order to keep each other motivated and in check, my husband and I are doing challenges with each other each week.  This week we have been doing a push up challenge.  Each of us has to do 100 push ups per day, in addition to our normal workout.  We text each other when we are done and times along the way.  He chooses to do his through the day, sets here and there, I usually do half right before my workout and half right after, so they are done.  Anything goes as long as you get them in!  Next week we will be adding a squat challenge!  It's fun to check in and see how he's doing with his, and nice to know that we are keeping up!  Not to mention, anytime you partner up on anything, it just makes you that much tighter! ;)
  • We have made a pact to stay the Primal Course, avoiding ALL temptations Monday-Thursday, knowing that the weekends and engagements will bring some unavoidable indulgences.  Hey, we can't be perfect all the time! 
  • Instead of carefully planned meal calendars for the month of December, I have planned the most basic, easy items possible and am relying more on keeping easily accessible good choices on hand.  For example, ready to roll I have raw broccoli salad, raw green bean salad, several grilled chicken breasts (sliced into portions), hard boiled eggs, tons of fruit, pre-made chicken quesadillas for the kids, frozen pre-made chicken tenders, tuna salad, lots of prepped veggies easy for quick sautéing or adding to salads, a HUGE bag of trail mix, nuts and lots of veggie egg muffins.  This way I know that I can grab a veggie and a protein that's there, and dinner's done.  If that stuff isn't there, it's VERY easy to order that pizza, which is costing us unnecessary $ and calories.  
  • Don't be afraid to buck the traditional dinner ideas and have a veggie egg muffin or 2 at the dinner hour!  Breakfast is awesome and easy for dinner!
  • Go BIG!  When I cook, it's in huge batches!  I sautéed up a veggie platter to feed 10 on Monday night when I was cooking.  I has served as lunch, dinner sides, snacks and even been added to egg scramble all week long.  Don't cook 1 or 2 little chicken breast at a time that will be gone after dinner.  Go ahead and marinade then grill 6-8 at once.  When they are cooled, slice them into 3-4 oz. portions and bag them up.  It requires zero thought and effort to grab a little piece of chicken, 1 apple and a handful of almonds and keep on rolling...or toss that chicken in with some greens or leftover veggie sauté.
  • Save the calories for the Christmas dinners, the appetizers with friends and the beverages at soirees.  It makes more sense to go to events without the weight on your shoulders, or your butt, about what you can and can't have, might or might not eat.  Plus, after the work you put in all week, you are much stronger against the temptations and feel better about yourself too!  
  • And if none of this works for you, maybe you could stick the Elf on the Shelf in the fridge, pantry and wet bar to keep you in check! ;)

I am NOT saying that this is a cure all for the Holiday Hustle or the Seasonal Saggy Bottom, but it does help!  Heck, it's Thursday early am and there isn't a part of me that's NOT sore, but I am excited about how great I've stuck to it this week, I am back down 3 lbs. from my 5 day Food Coma, I have mentally turned myself around,  I am on the course to meet my goal, there's room in my jeans, I have a pep in my step, I feel like my plan is motivating, the weekend filled with events is only a little more than 24 hours and 200 push-ups away and I am really excited about taking the Holidays by storm!  Think about it!  Make New Year's your GOAL and let me know how I can help!  

More easy recipes to come!

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