

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Probiotic Pumpkin Smoothie

Oh me, oh my...I just made these a little while ago and the kids slammed them and were begging for more!  Packed full of 10 probiotics, 99% lactose free, gluten free...super good stuff!

This made enough for 4.  Don't like pumpkin?  I won't judge you, try it with banana or mango!  They make Strawberry too and it's really delish with a banana, and you can leave out the honey and of course the pumpkin spice!

1/2 pint Lifeway Original Frozen Kefir - (with the Frozen Yogurt/Green Yogurt at HT)
1 cup canned organic pumpkin
splash of almond milk
1/2 tablespoon honey
1/4 tsp vanilla
sprinkle of pumpkin pie spice

Blend and enjoy!

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