

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Gluten Free Pumpkin Muffins

As much as I try to stay away from this kind of stuff, mostly because if sweet treats are in the house, my husband CANNOT HELP HIMSELF.  Even the kids hide stuff from him, lol.  But, I do usually include something like this to their breakfast menu, and they always like to help make them!

Pumpkin Muffins
King Arthur Flour Gluten Free Muffin Mix
1 can organic pumpkin puree
3 eggs
2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
2 tablespoons raw honey
1/2 cup almond milk
1/2 cup dark chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 400F.  Mix first 7 ingredients together until completely combined, stir in chocolate chips and let batter sit for about 5 minutes.  Spray muffin pan with cooking spray or fill with liners.  Fill each muffin hole about 2/3 full.  Bake for 25 minutes or until the edges begin to gently brown.  Allow to cool for 5 minutes before removing from the pan!


  1. Do you use the whole box of mix? I'll definitely be getting that at the store!!

  2. Yep! And you might should get 2, because our muffins seemed to

  3. looove pumpkin and these look yummy! so i feel like i've seen a few recipes now where you are using GF flour….may i ask why? are the kids intolerant or is there something i need to know?

  4. My answer to that would be super-duper my opinion most people have some level of gluten intolerance ranging from gas/bloat to IBS, ADHD, etc. I think that there are various things that when added to each person's system, satisfy coding for outcomes, i.e. ADD, ADHD, etc. Personally I experienced a lot of digestive issues before removing most gluten from my diet. I am not 100%, and definitely feel the food "hangover" effects when I indulge.
    I can't be sure about the kids, but their digestive habits are effected by diet for sure, I will save the details. But check this out for more!

  5. ps....the muffins are yummy....I LOVE pumpkin...and I have a pumpkin smoothie coming that it aMAZING!!!!

  6. I just saw a recipe for this the other day and bought the muffin mix. Mine was just mix, pumpkin and choc chips. Why did you add the eggs and milk? I have both of those on hand, just curious though.

  7. I have never made them without any eggs, so I am not sure what the consistency would be, but I would assume that they would be a lot more mushy. Since I am trying to create a muffin as similar to a traditional muffin as possible, with a cake like consistency, I always add eggs. I usually add Greek yogurt in addition to eggs to my muffins to add protein to them also. I typically try to balance our carb to protein ratios in a Zone portion ratio, so adding protein is definitely great! Really, I would prefer to use coconut/almond flour and will be adding a recipe with those as soon as I have it perfected, but I had several people ask for a Gluten free simple option, and this is the best, easiest, readily available I think! Hope you enjoy!

  8. Scarlett, did you make them without? What was consistency? How did they set up? Are you vegan and need to remove eggs? Curious...I have 4 little kiddos and am always trying to amp up the protein on anything I make for them!!

  9. They were ok, didnt really rise too much. They were a little mushy but not bad. My husband and I can eat them but my girls wouldnt. No allergies here, so next time Ill make them with eggs. The greek yogurt sounds nice too:) Thanks for the tips.
