

Who Am I?

I am Deanna, it's actually pronounced Deena, but with the chosen spelling I get all kinds of things. ;)    Lucky to be a Stay at Home Mom of 4 supertastic children, I have a 7 year old boy and triplet 5 year old girls.  I'm just like every Mom out there, working overtime to keep life running as smoothly as any family of 6 can.  I am an admitted control freak and obsessive list maker, an organizational addict and compulsive neat freak - but you kind of have to be with kids!    My calm is on the boat.  I am a type A, who has been know to weigh her food, in order to figure out the macros down to the gram.  But, when it's my Grass Fed Friday Night Burger...there are definitely NO scales in sight!  Some days are for pure and uninhibited indulgence!

With 3 girls, who think multiple wardrobe changes per day are normal, if I am missing, the laundry room is usually where I am!   I am NOT perfect and have tons of bad days just like everyone else, but I constantly get asked how I keep up, so here I am!  If I can make a difference in just one Mom's life and save her a moment or add just a touch of sanity...this will be a success! Each day my goal is to improve upon the day that I had before!

You will find family-friendly recipes,  healthy recipes for meals and snacks; organizational tips, time saving tricks, planning ahead, information I have gathered, confessions and support!  Here and there I will throw in a completely unhealthy, high sugar, easy or fun treat that all kids (big & small) will love!  After all, it IS about Balance!

I am in the process of updating my recipe index to make it much easier to use!  So, please stay tuned for that!  Otherwise, I LOVE your feedback, both positive and critical!

I am not a certified nutritionist, certified therapist or registered nurse...sometimes I feel like I am all of those and more, but I think all Moms do!   I have no formal training in nutrition, diet, exercise, toilet scrubbing, child rearing or even the culinary arts, other than what life and Motherhood has granted!  I simply have a love for all of those things, other than toilet scrubbing, and it drives me to learn more and share it with others!

I have a passion for health and a hunger to learn more!   For the last 6 years, I have been on a journey to soak up all I can about health, and it's MANY facets!  I am a research geek, and by nature, just like to understand and know stuff.  I cannot begin to express what this knowledge has done for me and my family.  I LOVE to get in the kitchen and create!  My Passion for food and understanding it, has taught me that eating healthy doesn't have to tough or taste bad!  It can be easy and fun, and SHARING that with others, even our children, is what drives me!

Everyone has a WHY that drives them...mine has many aspects, but a BIG one is helping others learn that finding health is WAY easier than you might think!

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